An under-developed player quickly runs out of forcing moves.
Konstantin Klaman White
Anatoly Ufimtsev Black
Leningrad 1947
Pirc Defense A00
1 e4 d6 2 ♘f3 g6 3 c3 ♗g7 4 ♗c4 ♘f6 5 e5? dxe5 6 ♘xe5 0-0 7 d4 ♘bd7
8 ♕b3?
White’s initiative also hits a wall after 8 f4 c5 9 ♕b3 e6.
For example, 10 ♗xe6? ♘xe5 11 ♗xc8? ♘d3+ loses and 10 ♘xf7? ♔xf7 11 ♗xe6+ ♔e8 is unsound.
Black would have a slight edge after 10 0-0 cxd4 11 cxd4 ♘b6.
8...♘xe5 9 dxe5 ♘e4!
The knight can go to c5 where it threatens the queen and sets up ...♘d3+. On 10 ♗f4 Black has the neatly strong 10...♕d7! and ...♕f5.
10 e6? fxe6 11 ♗e3
On 11 ♗xe6+ ♔h8 it’s too late for 12 0-0? ♘c5! and 12 ♗xc8 ♘c5 13 ♕-moves ♘d3+ is also bad.
11...♔h8 12 ♘d2
Not much better was 12 ♗xe6 ♗xe6 13 ♕xe6 in view of 13...♕d3! and 14...♖ad8.
12...♘xd2 13 ♗xd2 ♖xf2!
Now 14 0-0-0 ♖xg2 allows White to lose slowly.
14 ♔xf2 ♕xd2+ 15 ♗e2 ♗d7 16 ♖he1 ♗e5!
This creates a killing zone (17 ♔f1 ♗c6 18 ♗f3 ♗xf3 19 gxf3 ♖f8 20 ♕xb7 ♕xh2).
17 ♕xb7 ♖f8+ 18 ♔g1 ♕e3+ 19 ♔h1 ♕h6! White resigns.
Question 50: Why resign?
Ed Mandell White
William Jointer Black
Michigan 1997
1 e4 g6 2 ♘f3 d6 3 ♗c4 ♘f6 4 d3 ♗g7 5 c3 0-0 6 ♕b3 c6 7 ♗xf7+? ♖xf7 8 ♘g5 d5 9 ♘xf7 ♔xf7 10 ♗g5 ♘bd7 11 0-0 ♘c5 12 ♕c2 dxe4 13 ♗xf6 exd3! 14 ♗xe7 ♕xe7 15 ♕d1 ♗f5 16 b4 ♘e4 17 ♖e1 ♕h4 18 ♕f3 ♘xc3 and wins.