DAY 47 Zwischenzug

A zwischenzug is simply an in-between-move that tries to dash enemy plans.

Anthony Miles White

Jan Timman Black

Amsterdam 1985

English Opening A15

1 f3 f6 2 c4 c5 3 b3 d5 4 cxd5 xd5 5 b2

White tries to impede Black’s development (5...e6 6 e3 e7? 7 xg7).

5...f6 6 c3 e5 7 xd5 xd5 8 e3

The drawback to White’s plan is weakening d3. See below.

8...e6 9 c4 d7 10 0-0 xc4 11 bxc4

Now 11...d3 12 b3! xb3 13 axb3 and 14 d4 favors White somewhat.

11...e7 12 d4! cxd4 13 exd4 exd4 14 xd4

Black has problems securing his king after 14...c6 15 xc6 xc6 16 e1!. For example, 16...f7 17 h5+ g6 18 h4.

14...0-0 15 f3

White prepares 16 ad1. He would win material after 16...c6 17 f5 c8 18 g4 g6 19 d7!. Also 17...e8 18 fe1 (18...f7 19 xe7+ xe7 20 d7).

15...c6 16 f5!


White threatens 17 g4 and 18 xg7 mate or 18 h6+ and 19 xd7. He is in command after 16...ad8 17 ad1 c7 18 d5! (18...xd5 19 cxd5 e5 20 e4 and c1).

16...e5?? 17 xe5 fxe5

Black’s threat of 18...xf5 would equalize except for:

18 d5+! resigns.

After 18...xd5 the zwischenzug 19 xe7+! wins a piece.

Question 51: Was 17 d5+ just as good?

Aldo Haik White

Vadim Chuchelov Black

Hamburg 1991

1 f3 c5 2 c4 f6 3 b3 d5 4 cxd5 xd5 5 b2 c6 6 e3 (6 a3!) db4 7 d3 f5! 8 e4 g4 9 a3 xf3 10 gxf3 a6 11 f4 e6 12 d2 c7 13 f3 b5 14 g2 a5+ 15 d2 d8! 16 e2 b6 17 hc1 e7 18 ab1 0-0 19 a1? xa3 and wins.