DAY 62 Open Center

A lead in development tends to grow in value as the center is opened.

Nikola Karaklajic White

Stanmir Nikolic Black

Pristina 1973

Sicilian Defense, Rossolimo Variation B52

1 e4 c5 2 f3 d6 3 b5+ d7 4 xd7+ xd7 5 c4 g4?

Forking two pawns but losing time.

6 0-0 xe4 7 d4!

On 7...d7 8 c3 c6 White could obtain good positional “comp” with 9 d5.

But he should be thinking of open lines, not a closed center, with 9 e1.

Then 9...cxd4 10 xd4 xc4? permits a murderous attack with 11 cb5! e6 12 g5 and 13 c1.

7...c6 8 c3 g4 9 b5! d7


Again, 10 d5 is positionally strong. But open lines make his pieces work better.

10 dxc5! dxc5 11 f4

If 11...xd1? 12 axd1, Black can’t stop 13 c7+.

11...0-0-0 12 a4! f5

On 12...a6 White has 13 e5! xe5 14 xe5 and a a7 mate threat.

Question 69: Is 13 e5 still good after 12...f5 ?

13 g3 a6?

Better was 13...f6!, stopping e5 and preparing ...e5!.

14 ad1 xd1 15 xd1 f6 16 a5!

So that 16...xa5 17 a7 mate.

16...e8 17 d8+! xd8 18 a7 mate

Walter Browne White

Miguel Quinteros Black

Wijk aan Zee 1974

1 e4 c5 2 f3 d6 3 b5+ d7 4 xd7+ xd7 5 c4 g4 6 0-0 xe4 7 d4 cxd4 8 e1 c6 9 xd4 xc4? 10 a3 c8 11 f4 d7 12 ab5 e5 13 xe5! dxe5 14 xe5+ e7 15 d5! c8 (15...xd5 16 c7+) 16 f5 f8 17 xe7 xe7 18 e5+ resigns.