DAY 92 Diagonal Pins

When two opposing bishops face off on the same long diagonal, the table is set for tactical tricks.

Arturo Pomar White

Joaquim Durao Black

Orense 1973

King’s Indian Defense A49

1 d4 f6 2 f3 g6 3 g3 g7 4 g2 0-0 5 0-0 d6 6 b3

White wants to delay ...e5. He would have a small plus after 6...bd7 7 b2 c6 8 bd2 c7 9 e4, for example.

6...e5! 7 dxe5

Black would be more than comfortable after 7 b2?! e4! 8 fd2 e8.

7...g4 8 g5 e8?

After 8...d7! the queen protects c7 and guarantees Black good chances (9 c3 h6 10 f4 dxe5!).

9 c3!


White tries for d5. But 9...dxe5! 10 d5 a6 offers Black ample play (11 h3 f6 12 c1 h6 13 a3 f7).

9...xe5 10 d5 xf3+?

On 10...a6 the diagonal remains hot (11 e7? c6 12 xf8 xf8 13 f4 xf3+ and 14...xa1).

Better is 11 f6+! xf6 12 xf6 with advantage.

11 exf3! f6

Now 11...a6 12 f6! is strong, e.g. 12...e6 13 e7+ h8 14 d4!.

12 xc7 d8 13 d5+ f7 14 ae1 xc7 15 e8+ f8 16 h6 resigns.

Teimour Radjabov White

Zhao Zong-Yuan Black

Oropesa del Mar 1998

1 f3 f6 2 b3 g6 3 b2 g7 4 g3 0-0 5 g2 d6 6 d4 e5 7 dxe5 fd7 8 d2 c6 9 c3 dxe5 10 0-0-0 a5 11 h4 h6 12 g4 a4!? 13 xa4 e7 14 b1 d8 15 c1 b5 16 c3 b4? 17 xe5! cxe5 18 xa8 c6 19 e3 xg4 20 g3 ge5 21 f4 a5 22 fxe5 xa8 23 e6 fxe6 24 xg6 h8 25 hg1 g8 26 e4 e5 27 xd7 xd7 28 xe5! resigns.

Question 102: What’s best after 22...xe5 and 23 b4 xa8 ?