When the queens attack one another you can forget it’s not yet an endgame.
Gata Kamsky White
Viswanathan Anand Black
Sanghi Nagar 1994
Torre Attack A46
1 d4 ♘f6 2 ♘f3 c5 3 c3 g6 4 ♗g5 ♕b6 5 ♕b3!
A trade of queens seems likely. Who will benefit? White does after 5...♕xb3 6 axb3, in cases such as 6...cxd4 7 ♘xd4! ♗g7 8 ♘b5. Or 6...♘e4 7 dxc5 ♘xc5 8 b4.
5...♘e4 6 ♗f4 ♘c6 7 d5!
After 7...♘a5 8 ♕xb6! axb6 9 ♘bd2 the a5-knight is misplaced. Or 7...♕xb3 8 axb3 ♘d8 9 ♘a3 and ♘b5.
7...♘d8 8 ♘bd2 ♘f6?
And 8...♕xb3 9 axb3 ♘xd2 10 ♘xd2 ♗g7? 11 ♘c4! wasn’t attractive.
9 e4 d6 10 ♗b5+!
Queens won’t be traded after all. Black finds he is ill-prepared for a middlegame.
10...♗d7 11 a4!
Now 11...♗xb5 12 axb5 creates problems on the a-file (13 ♘c4 ♕c7 14 b6!).
11...♕c7 12 0-0 ♗g7 13 e5! ♘h5
On 13...dxe5 14 ♘xe5 White threatens a discovered attack on the queen (15 ♘xg6).
Question 103: Isn’t 14...♕c8 adequate?
14 exd6 exd6 15 ♖fe1+ ♔f8 16 ♗xd7 ♕xd7 17 ♕b5!
Black resigned in view of 17...♕xb5 18 ♗xd6+ ♔g8 19 axb5, which threatens ♖e8+. White wins after 19...♘f6 20 ♗xc5 or 20 ♘c4 (21 ♘b6!).
Ralf Appel White
Pierre Carbonnel Black
Viernheim 2014
1 ♘f3 ♘f6 2 d4 g6 3 ♗f4 c5 4 c3 ♕b6 5 ♕b3! ♘c6 6 e3 ♗g7 7 ♘bd2 ♕xb3 8 axb3 cxd4 9 exd4 d6 10 b4 ♗g4 11 ♗e2 0-0 12 b5 ♘b8 13 h3 ♗c8? 14 0-0 ♘d5 15 ♗h2 a5 (15...♗f5 16 ♖a5! and ♖fa1) 16 ♗c4 ♘c7? 17 ♖fe1! e5 (17...♗f6 18 ♘e4; 17...♖e8 18 b6) 18 dxe5 d5 19 b6! dxc4 20 bxc7 ♘a6 21 e6! ♗xe6 22 ♘g5 ♗h6 23 ♘xe6 resigns.