DAY 96 Entrenched

A superior pawn center may be tactically vulnerable before it is entrenched.

Andras Adorjan White

Boris Spassky Black

Toluca 1982

English Defense A40

1 c4 b6 2 d4 b7 3 c3 e6 4 e4 b4 5 d3

White would have a nice edge if his center stands, e.g. 5...f6? 6 c2 c6 7 f3.


So that 6 exf5 xg2 loses. Note that 6 f3 fxe4 7 fxe4 drops a pawn to 7...xc3+ 8 bxc3 xe4 9 xe4 h4+.

6 h5+ g6 7 e2 f6

The sacrifice 8 e5? xg2 9 exf6 xf6 is unsound. See below.

8 f3 c6!

This attacks the d4-pawn. After 9 e3 Black has a choice, including 9...fxe4 10 fxe4 e5 (so that 11 d5 d4 favors him).

9 e5? xd4! 10 f2


Now 10...c5 threatens 11...xf3+.

Question 106: How would White defend?


This is what he missed (11 xd4 c5! and the queen is trapped).

White would be losing after 11 e3 c6 12 f4 g5 (or even 12...d6 13 exd6 f6! and ...g4).

Question 107: Yes, but what about 11...c5 ?

11 xd4 c5 12 xc5 bxc5

Black won after 13 e3 h4+ 14 g3 (14 f2 g5) xg3 15 f2 f4 16 e4 0-0-0.

Ma Yu White

Albert Bokros Black

Groningen 1999

1 d4 b6 2 c4 b7 3 c3 e6 4 e4 b4 5 d3 f5 6 e2 f6 7 e5? xg2 8 exf6 xf6 9 f3 xh1 10 f2 (intending e2, d2, 0-0-0 and xh1) c6 11 e2 e5! 12 f1 xc3 13 xc3 e4 14 0d5 xd4 15 xd4 xd4 16 xc7+ f7 17 xa8 exd3 18 c7 c8 19 f4 xf3 20 f2 h5 21 h4 xc7 22 xc7 d2 23 e5 c6 White resigns.