DAY 137 False Faith

Misguided belief in the drawish nature of an endgame claims many a victim.

Sergei Begun White

Vladimir Stukalov Black

Astrakhan 1977

Philidor’s Defense C41

1 e4 e5 2 f3 d6 3 d4 f6 4 dxe5 xe4 5 c4 c6

Black prepares 6...d5. He would be secure after 6 exd6 xd6 (7 b3 e7 8 0-0 0-0 9 c3 a6 and ...c5).

6 bd2 xd2 7 xd2 e7?

And he would have been close to equality after 7...d5 and 8 d3 e7.


8 exd6!

Now 8...xd6 9 g5! and 9...e7+ 10 e3 0-0 11 d3 g6 12 0-0-0 favors White.

8...xd6 9 c3!

Morphy-chess is 9 e2! and 10 0-0-0. But White’s control of center files can also win an endgame (9 c3! xd1+ 10 xd1 0-0 11 0-0 and 12 fe1).

9...0-0 10 xd6 xd6 11 0-0-0 c5? 12 e5!

Now 12...xf2? 13 xf7! (13...xf7 14 d8 mate) threatens 14 hf1 e3+ 15 b1 and a deadly discovered check.


Better was 12...b5 13 b3 a5, when the threat of 14...a4 may gain time for 14...a7.

Then 14 xf7 a4! is no more than perpetual check (15 h6+ h8 16 f7+ g8).

13 xf7! xf7 14 he1

The threat of e7 is fatal (14...c5 15 d8 mate).

14...f8 15 b4+ c5 16 xc5+! resigns.

And 16...xc5 17 d8 is mate.

Orestes Rodriguez White

Jaime Emma Black

Buenos Aires 1973

1 e4 e5 2 f3 d6 3 d4 f6 4 dxe5 xe4 5 c4 c6 6 bd2 xd2 7 xd2 d5 8 d3 d7 9 b4!? g6 10 e2 e7 11 0-0 g7 12 g5 f6? (12...xb4!) 13 exf6 xf6 14 ae1 resigns.

Question 158: Was resignation justified?