DAY 146 Square License

Winning control of one key square can be a license to go straight for mate.

Vladimir Litvinov White

Gavriil Veresov Black

Minsk 1958

Dutch Defense A85

1 c4 f5 2 d4 f6 3 c3 e6 4 f3 b4!

Black is willing to trade this bishop, ...xc3(+), to win control of e4. No other center square looms as important.

5 c2 0-0 6 e3 b6 7 e2

This bishop enables White to castle kingside without risking ...xf3/gxf3. But unlike 7 d3 it abandons the fight for e4.

7...b7 8 0-0 xc3 9 xc3 e4 10 c2 f6!

Having achieved his strategic goal, Black can attack with 11...h6 followed by ...g5-g4. 11 d2? h6


12 g3??

Black threatened 12...xd2 followed by 13...xg2! (14 xg2 g5+ 15 h1 h4).

White can’t meet it with 12 f3 h4! 14 h3 g5! followed by 15...xh3+!. But he would be alive after 12 f3 h4 13 h3.


Anyway. Now 13 gxh4 g6+ 14 h1 xf2 is double check and mate.

13 f3 g5!! White resigns.

The magic of chess tactics. Now 14 xh4 h3 is mate. So is 14 gxh4 xf3+ 15 xf3 g6+.

Question 168: Is White lost after 14 d1 ?

Compare that with these versions:

Jan Plachetka White

Lothar Zinn Black

Decin 1974

1 f3 c5 2 b3 c6 3 b2 f6 4 e3 d5 5 b5 e6 6 e5 c7 7 0-0 d6 8 xc6+ bxc6 9 f4 0-0 10 f3 d7 11 h3 g6 12 h5! f6 13 g4!! resigns.

Defosse White

Franck Black

Belgium 1977

1 d4 f6 2 c4 e6 3 f3 b6 4 c3 b4 5 a3 xc3+ 6 bxc3 e4 7 e3 b7 8 d3 f5 9 c2 0-0 10 0-0 f6 11 d2 h6 12 g3 h4! 13 f3 g5! 14 gxh4 xf3+ 15 g2 e1+! 16 g3 g6+ 17 f4 g4+ 18 e5 c6 mate.