DAY 147 Wing Liberties

When your opponent takes liberties on a wing, you need accuracy to punish him.

G. Petrovsky White

Mikhail Ignatovich Black

Kaliningrad 2003

French Defense, Tarrasch Variation C05

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 d2 f6 4 e5 fd7 5 f4 c5 6 c3 e7 7 gf3 b6!

White’s center comes under fire before he can castle: 8 d3 c6 9 0-0 cxd4!.

He can’t avoid that with 9 b3? c4!. And 9 dxc5 xc5 10 c2 a6 is a bit unpleasant.

8 b3 c4!? 9 bd2 0-0

Black can work on the queenside after 10 e2 c6 11 0-0 c7 and ...b5-b4.

10 g4? f6!

White’s move is a good space-gainer in similar positions. At first, 10...d8, intending ...h4+, looked right. But after 11 h4! White can generate mating threats with virtually no developed pieces, for example, 11...c6 12 c2 threatens 13 g5!. Black would stand well after 12...f6!.

11 e2?

White sees how bad 11 exf6 xf6 12 g5? h5 and ...xf4 would be.

He had to settle for being slightly worse, 12 h3 c6 13 0-0 d7.

11...fxe5 12 fxe5



Now 13 xe5 h4 is mate.

Question 169: What is likely after 13 g5 ?

13 dxe5?? h4+ White resigns.

Ruslan Ponomariev White

Vassily Ivanchuk Black

Thessaloniki 2013

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 d2 f6 4 e5 fd7 5 f4 c5 6 gf3 c6 7 b3 c4 8 bd2 b5 9 e2 b6 10 f1 h5 11 e3 d7 12 0-0 e7 13 b3 g6 14 d2 a6 15 e1 c7 16 h3 0-0-0 17 a4! b7 18 b1 a7 19 a5 resigns. (Premature but 19...bc8 19 bxc4 dxc4 20 xc4 is strong).