DAY 150 Check Follow

Early checking is premature – if you don’t have a good follow-up.

Sokor White

Volk Black

Soviet Union 1937

Gruenfeld Defense D97

1 d4 f6 2 c4 g6 3 c3 d5 4 b3 dxc4 5 xc4 e6!?

Black gets good piece play after 6 d3 c5 (7 dxc5 bd7).

6 b5+! c6

Trap: 7 xb7?? xd4 and the threat of 8...c2 mate wins.

7 f3 d5


White’s check would turn out well after 8 e4!. Then 8...db4 9 a4! threatens Black’s knights with a2-a3 or d4-d5.

8 xb7? db4!

White’s queen is suddenly at risk of 9...b8. After 9 b5 Black has 9...d7! (10 a4 xd4 11 xb4 c2+).

Question 172: And if 9 b5 ?

9 f4

White banks on 9...b8 10 xc7 xc7 11 xc7 c8 12 d1 xc7 13 d5. Or 9...c2+ 10 d1 xa1 11 xc6+ d7 12 xc7 and 10...6xd4 11 xd4!, with advantage.


So that 10 xh6 b8!.

10 xc7? xd4!

White would be mated after 11 xd4 c2+! 12 xd4 d2 mate. Or 12 d1 xd4+.

11 xd8 dc2+ 12 d1 xd8+ 13 d5 xd5 14 c7 xf3+ 15 xd8+ xd8 16 exf3 c7! White resigns.

Miguel Najdorf White

Laszlo Szabo Black

Mar del Plata 1948

1 d4 f6 2 c4 g6 3 c3 d5 4 b3 dxc4 5 xc4 e6 6 b5+! c6 7 f3 b8? 8 e4! a6 9 d3 g4 10 d5! xf3 11 gxf3 e5 12 d1 g7 13 f4 ed7 14 e5! g8 15 h3! e6 16 dxe6 fxe6 17 e3 (17 xe6 c5!?) f8 18 b3 c8 19 e4 e7 20 c1 c6 21 0-0 h6 22 fd1 h7 23 c5 f7 24 xe6+ resigns. (24...xe6 25 d7+).