DAY 156 Opening & Closing

An ideal pawn sacrifice opens lines you want open and closes the ones you don’t.

Josef Dobias White

Jiri Podgorny Black

Prague 1952

French Defense, Rubinstein Variation C10

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 c3 dxe4 4 xe4 d7 5 f3 e7 6 d3 gf6 7 e2 0-0 8 0-0 xe4 9 xe4 f6 10 h4! b6 11 g5 g6

The threat was 12 xf6 and xh7 mate.

12 c4 b7


Now 13 e5 d5! and Black is secure (14 cxd5 xg5; 14 xe7 xe7).

13 d5! exd5 14 fe1

Threatening 15 xe7! followed by 16 xf6.

14...h6! 15 xh6!

Black’s slim chances rested on 15 xh6 e4! 16 f4 d6.

But now 15...dxc4 16 xc4 (threat of xg6+) is strong.

Question 179: Are there good alternatives to 16 xc4 ?

15...g4 16 h4! xg5 17 xg5 f6 18 h6!

Now 18...c8! 19 e3! prepares 20 f3 and xf6.

18...d4 19 e6! e8 20 xg6! resigns.

It’s 20...fxg6 22 xg6+ h8 23 f7 mate.

Evgeny Vasiukov White

Vladimir Masich Black

Lignano Sabbiadoro 2005

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 c3 dxe4 4 xe4 d7 5 f3 e7 6 d3 gf6 7 e2 xe4 8 xe4 f6 9 h4! d7 10 e5 c5 11 0-0 cxd4 12 xd4 0-0 13 g5 e8 14 h4 g6 15 f4 d5 16 f3? xg5? (16...f6!) 17 fxg5 b6+ 18 h1 xb2 19 e1 b4 20 c4 f6 21 ef1 e7 22 h3 h5 23 gxf6 f5 24 xf5 exf5 25 g3 d6 26 xg6 xf6 27 f4+ f8 28 g5 f7 29 e1 resigns.