DAY 159 Far Away Force

When scrambling to keep an initiative running, consider forcing moves far from the center of action.

Ljubomir Ljubojevic White

Ricardo Calvo Black

Lanzarote 1973

Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense C67

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 f6 4 0-0 xe4 5 e1 d6

Black gains time by threatening ...xb5. He would be worse after 5...f6 6 xe5 xe5? 7 d4! and 8 dxe5.

6 xe5 e7 7 h5 xe5

White’s mini-initiative sputters after 7...g6. Then a queen retreat to e2 or f3 invites 8...d4. Also, 8 h6 f5 and 8 xc6? gxh5 9 xd8? xb5.

8 xe5

White would have a tiny edge after 8...0-0 9 xe7 xb5 10 b4. Or 8...f6 9 h5+ g6 10 d5 xb5 11 xb5.

8...xb5?? 9 xg7! f8


Now 10 d3 d5! is fine for Black (11 h6 e6 12 xh7 d4! with advantage).

Also too slow is 10 c3 xc3 11 dxc3 d5 12 h6 e6. White needs to stop ...d5!.

10 a4! d6 11 c3

White threatens d5 and would answer 11...c6 with 12 f6 (threat of xd6).

Question 182: And on 12...c4 ?

11...f5 12 d5!

The f6 mate threat decides.

12...f6 13 xh7 d6 14 g6+ resigns.

Mate is nigh: 14...f7 15 xf6+ f8 16 g8.

James Sherwin White

Arthur Bisguier Black

New York 1962

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 f6 4 0-0 xe4 5 e1 d6 6 xe5 e7 7 d3 xe5 8 xe5 0-0 9 c3 f6 10 e3 g6 11 b3 d4 12 e2 b6 13 a3 c5 14 b4 b7 15 bxc5 bxc5 16 b1 b8 17 e4? xe4 18 xb8 xb8 19 xe4 e8 20 d3 b5! White resigns.