DAY 163 Quick Fingers

When you find your fingers making an ugly-looking move, it’s too late. You should have asked:
Do I really need such a move?

Viktor Kupreichik White

Albin Planinc Black

Sombor 1970

Ruy Lopez, Steinitz Variation C62

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 e7 4 0-0 f6 5 e1 d6 6 c3 0-0 7 d4 d7 8 h3 e8

Question 187: Did Black miss a tactic?

9 bd2 f8 10 c4 exd4 11 cxd4 d5

Black neutralizes the b3-f7 line. He stands well after 12 exd5 xe1+! 13 xe1 xd4 and 13 xe1 b4 .

12 b3! dxe4 13 xf7+ xf7 14 b3+



This looks so awful that he had to hunt for alternatives.

He could see that 14...e7? is bound to turn out badly after 15 xe4 and a discovered check (15...b8 16 d6+! xd6? 17 f4+).

That would force him to look at 14...e6!. At first, he would think 15 g5+ g8 16 xe6 wins. But then he might see the saving 16...a5! (17 xd8+ xb3).

15 h4+! h5

Or 15...h6 16 xe4+ g5 17 xg5+.

16 xe4 xe4

And 16...xe4 17 f3+ and mates.

17 xe4 g5 18 f7+ h6 19 f5+! resigns.

It’s mate after 19...xf5 20 h4+.

Peter Kahn White

Boris Gruzmann Black

Saint Vincent 2003

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 d6 4 d4 d7 5 c3 f6 6 0-0 e7 7 e1 0-0 8 bd2 xd4! 9 xd4 exd4 10 xd7 dxc3! 11 a4 cxd2 12 xd2 d7 13 c3 f6 14 e3 xc3 15 xc3 c5 16 c2 e8 17 g4 f6 18 d1 g6 19 f4? xe4 20 xc7 xb2 21 d7 b6+! White resigns.