DAY 178 Sense of Danger

A good sense of danger tells you to take precautions even if you don’t see specific threats.

K. Korody White

Pal Benko Black

Budapest 1951

Slav Defense, Meran Variation D47

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 f3 f6 4 c3 e6 5 e3 bd7 6 d3 dxc4 7 xc4 b5 8 d3 b7 9 0-0 b4 10 e4 c5

Black’s sense of danger tells him 11 xc5 xc5! is OK, 12 dxc5 xc5 13 b5+ e7!.

For example, on 14 d4 d5! 15 f3 fd8 his king is safe and his pieces are well coordinated.

11 xf6+! gxf6

But his king would be insecure after 11...xf6 12 e5 (12...xe5? 13 dxe5 xe5?? 14 b5+). Or 11...xf6 12 b5+ d7? 13 e5!.

12 e2 b6 13 a3 d6 14 axb4! cxd4 15 exd4 g8


Even if he didn’t see Black’s threat, White should neutralize the long diagonal and g-file with 16 e4! and 16...xb4 17 g3!.

Without attacking chances, Black would have to worry about his own king. For example, 17...e7 18 d2 b3 19 h4 and f5+. Or 18...xb2? 19 fb1.

16 b5? xd4!

Now 17 xd4?? xg2+ 18 h1 xh2+ 19 g1 h1 mate.

Question 205: Why not 17 e1 ?

17 h3 e5! 18 xd4 xg2+ 19 h1 h2+!

White resigned since 20 xh2 g4+ 21 g1 h2 is mate.

Valentin Lukov White

Daniel Sorm Black

Decin 1978

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 f3 f6 4 c3 e6 5 e3 bd7 6 d3 dxc4 7 xc4 b5 8 d3 b7 9 0-0 b4 10 e4 c5 11 xf6+ gxf6 12 e2 b6 13 d1 d8 14 b3 d6 15 b2 e7 16 c4 c7 17 ac1 xf3? 18 xf3 xh2+ 19 h1 d6 20 b5 e5?? 21 xd7 xd7 22 dxc5 xc5 23 xd7+ xd7 24 xf6 c8 25 xe5 b6 26 xf7+ c6 27 e6+ b7 28 d7+ resigns.