DAY 179 Chance Grab

The accurate defender grabs his chance to fight back – even against a Mikhail Tal.

Mikhail Tal White

Zigurds Pigits Black

USSR 1953

Sicilian Defense, Richter-Rauzer Variation B62

1 e4 c5 2 f3 c6 3 d4 cxd4 4 xd4 f6 5 c3 d6 6 g5 e6 7 xc6 bxc6 8 e5?!

A gambit based on 8...dxe5 9 xd8+ and 10 0-0-0+ or 9 f3 e7 10 xf6.


So that 9 exf6? xg5 or 9 xf6 gxf6 10 exd6 e5+ and ...xd6 favors Black.

9 b5!? cxb5 10 exf6 b4! 11 f3

Clearly bad was 11 e4 e5!.


Now if 11...b8, White replies 12 e4! and his initiative continues.


But after 12 e2 d5 or 12 e3 b8 (also 12...d5) it’s dead.

12 e4 d5

An ingenious try is 13 0-0-0 so that 13...dxe4 14 xe4! xg5+?? 15 b1 and White wins with threats of c6+ and xa8.

However, 14...xe4! lets the air out of the balloon (15 d8+ xd8 16 fxg7+ e8).

Question 206: How does Black beat 15 fxg7 ?

13 d1 a6! 14 d4!? dxe4

Black has many ways to win (14...xd4 15 fxg7 xg7 16 d6+ d7 or 15...xg7 17 f6+ d8).

15 xe4 xg5 16 xe6+ fxe6 17 xa8+ f7 18 xa7+ xf6 19 xa6 c1+ White resigns.

Mario Milanollo White

Alois Lanc Black

Austria 1999

1 e4 c5 2 f3 c6 3 d4 cxd4 4 xd4 f6 5 c3 d6 6 g5 e6 7 xc6 bxc6 8 e5 a5! 9 b5 cxb5 10 exf6 b4! 11 f3 e5+! 12 d1 d5 13 g4 h5 14 h4 bxc3 15 e1 f5 16 f3 d7 17 e3 c8 18 bxc3 g8 19 g4 hxg4 20 fxg7 xg7 21 f4 h7 White resigns.