DAY 183 Go To Work

When your opponent varies from the move you expect, it’s easy to shrug it off.
It’s harder to go to work.

Istvan Bilek White

Florin Gheorghiu Black

Bucharest 1968

Sicilian Defense, Closed Variation B25

1 e4 c5 2 c3 c6 3 g3 g6 4 g2 g7 5 d3 d6 6 f4 e5 7 h3!? ge7 8 0-0 0-0?

“What’s he thinking?” Black should have asked after h3. The knight usually goes to f3 or e2.


9 f5!

One difference (from f3) is that the f1-rook supports 10 f6!.

9...gxf5 10 exf5

Now 10...f6 11 g4 is awful (11...d5 12 e2 and g3-h5).


Another difference is that White’s queen gets to h5 quickly (10...xf5 11 h5! prepares xf5, e4 or d5, e.g. 11...fd4 12 g5!).

11 xf5! xf5 12 e4

A third difference is that this bishop joins the attack faster than if a knight were on f3 (12...cd4 13 h5 d7 14 g4 wins).

Question 210: What about 13...f6 ?

12...fd4 13 h5

The kingside has no defense (13...f5 14 d5+ h8 15 g5 h6 16 g6!).

13...e8 14 xh7+ f8 15 g5 d7

A quick mate follows 15...f6 16 h6 xh6 17 xh6+.

16 d5 e6 17 f1 xc2 18 g6 2d4 19 h6 resigns.

Christian Gabriel White

Jan Smejkal Black

Altensteig 1990

1 e4 c5 2 c3 c6 3 g3 g6 4 g2 g7 5 d3 d6 6 f4 e5 7 h3 ge7 8 0-0 d4! 9 e3 0-0 10 g4 exf4 11 xf4 b8 12 f2 ec6 13 h3 b5 14 cd5 b4 15 g3 e6 16 b1 b7 17 d2 cd4 18 c3 xf4 19 xf4 c6 20 h1 c8 21 f2? bxc3 White resigns.