DAY 187 Transformation

One of the hardest decisions to make is giving up a concrete asset, like a strong center pawn, for something less tangible.

Bernd Stein White

Kick Langeweg Black

Plovdiv 1983

Mason Gambit C54

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 c4 c5 4 c3 f6 5 d4 exd4 6 0-0 xe4 7 cxd4 e7?

Black avoids 7...b6 8 e1 d5 9 xd5! xd5 10 c3. But 7...d5! is good.

8 d5! b8

On 8...a5 9 d3 c5 10 c2 White has a long-term initiative (10...a6 11 d2 b6 13 c3).

9 e1 d6

It is harder for Black to castle after 9...f6 10 e2 (10...0-0? 11 xe7).

10 d3 0-0 11 c3 e8

Or 11...a6 12 f4 b6? 13 e2! or 12...e8 13 b1 g6 14 b4. The retreat to e8 will be good – provided that ...d6 and ...d7 follow.


12 d6!

White’s major asset was the cramping pawn at d5. But clearing d5 for the knight is more important now.

Question 214: What follows 12...xd6 13 d5 f6 ?


A bit better is 12...xd6 13 g5 f6. But 14 d5 is dangerous, e.g. 14...g6 15 xf6+ xf6 16 e4.

13 xh7+! xh7 14 xe7!

Now 14...c6 15 g5+ g8 16 d3 g6 17 d5 or 16...f6 17 d5 are dead.

14...xe7 15 d5 resigns.

Bahri Karadeniz White

Selin Kaya Black

Izmir 2003

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 c4 c5 4 c3 f6 5 d4 exd4 6 0-0 xe4 7 cxd4 e7? 8 d5! b8 9 e1 f6 10 e2 h6 11 d6! cxd6 12 f4 f8 13 c3 c6 14 ad1 a6 15 a4 b6 16 a2 b7 17 c4 d5 18 xd5 a5 19 e2 xd5 20 xd5 xd5 21 xd5 b4 22 d6+ xd6 23 xd6 c6 24 d2 a7? 25 xc6 c7 26 d6+ resigns.