DAY 190 Look-Alike Positions

Sharp moves can be good in some positions but very bad in others that look very similar.

Mikhail Tseitlin White
Georg Danner Black
Budapest 1989
Modern Defense B06

1 d4 d6 2 e4 g6 3 c3 g7 4 f3 c5?

Attacking the center with ...c5 works well in several similar positions, such as 4 f4 f6 5 f3 c5!, because of 6 dxc5 a5! (7 cxd6 xe4!).

5 dxc5! a5? 6 cxd6!

This is different: Black lacks the crucial ...xe4.

6...xc3+ 7 bxc3

He would be in trouble on the e-file after 7...xc3+ 8 d2 c6 9 dxe7 xe4+ 10 e2. For example, 10...xe7 11 0-0 and e1.

7...c6 8 d2 exd6 9 c4! a3 10 b1


Black has two lingering problems. One is weakness on dark squares, e.g. 10...e5 11 b4 (11...a4? 12 xe5 dxe5 13 d6!). The other is his vulnerable queen (11...xa2 12 c3! f6? 13 a1! and wins).

10...ge7? 11 b3!

The dark square issue is critical after 11...a4 12 a1! 0-0 13 f6! and h6.

Question 217: So why not 12...g8 ?

Similar is 11…c5 12 a1 e5 and now 13 b4 c7 14 c5!.

11...xa2 12 c1 a6 13 b2 g4!? 14 c5

Also winning is 14 xh8+ d7 15 xa8.

14...b5 15 xb5 resigns.

Alexander Mashevsky White
Kazmir Venglovsky Black
Kiev 2004

1 e4 c5 2 f3 g6 3 d4 g7 4 c3 d6? 5 dxc5! dxc5 6 xd8+ xd8 7 f4 d7 8 0-0-0 c6? 8...xc3) 9 a4! b6 10 b5 e8? 11 xd7! xd7 12 d1+ d4 13 xd4 cxd4 14 xd4+ e6 15 xc6 f8 16 e5 f6 17 d5+ f5 19 g4+ resigns.