DAY 193 Move Order

Key moves in openings cannot be delayed for long.

Zurab Sturua White
Niaz Murshed Black
Tbilisi 1983
Modern Benoni Defense A60

1 d4 f6 2 f3 e6 3 c4 c5 4 d5 exd5 5 cxd5 g6 6 c3 g7 7 f4 a5?!

Black could play ...d6 at move five or six but this is his last chance. He uses the extra tempo to threaten 8...e4.

8 d2!

The threat is 9 c4 b4?? 10 a3 xc4 11 e3, corralling the queen. Or 9...d8 10 d6+.


Black’s gamble pays off after 9 c4?? xc3+ 10 bxc3 xc3+, winning a piece.

9 d6! b6

Black sees that 9...xc3 10 bxc3 xc3 11 c1 is poor (or 11 g4).


10 ce4!

More accurate than 10 de4 xb2 11 c1 a6 and 12...f5. Black is alive after 12 e3 f5 13 a4 b4+ 14 ec3 f6.

10...xb2 11 b1 xa2 12 e3

Question 220: What is best after 12...xd5 13 c4 c6 14 b3 a6 ?

12...b6 13 g4! f6 14 xf6+ xf6 15 f3

So that 15...e7 16 e4.

15...h4 16 e4+! resigns.

On 16...d8 17 e5 White’s main threat is 18 c7 mate.

Fernando Visier White
Ljubomir Ljubojevic Black
Las Palmas 1975

1 d4 f6 2 c4 e6 3 c3 c5 4 d5 exd5 5 cxd5 g6 6 f3 g7 7 f4 a5 8 d2?! 0-0 9 e4 e8 10 e2 d6 11 0-0 g4 12 c2 bd7 13 h3 xf3 14 xf3 c4! 15 a4 c5 16 e5? xe5 17 e4 b6 18 xf6+ xf6 19 xc4 b3! 20 c3 xa1 21 xe5 xe5 22 xa1 xb2 23 d1 e8 24 g3 g7 25 d3? xg3 26 c3+ xc3 27 xc3 h4 White resigns.