You can repair a color weakness by putting pawns on that color’s squares.
Nigel Short White
Max Fuller Black
London 1977
Sicilian Defense, Rossolimo Variation B30
1 e4 c5 2 ♘f3 ♘c6 3 ♗b5 ♕b6 4 ♗xc6 ♕xc6 5 0-0
White’s bid for rapid mobilization should be tested by 5...♕xe4! 6 ♘c3 ♕c6.
5...g6 6 ♘c3 ♗g7 7 d4 d6 8 dxc5 dxc5 9 ♗f4!? ♗xc3! 10 bxc3 ♕xe4 11 ♕c1
White’s comp lies in potential pressure on dark square and the e-file. With 11...f6! Black repairs dark squares and prepares ...e5!.
12 ♖e1! ♕a4
After 12...♕xc2 13 ♕e3 White threatens ♕xc5 but also 14 ♗e5 f6 15 ♗xf6!.
13 ♕e3 ♕c6?
Last chance for 13...f6 (14 ♗d6 ♔f7 15 ♗xc5 b6).
14 ♘e5! ♕c8 15 ♘c4!
Question 226: Why not 15 ♘xf7 ♔xf7 16 ♕e5 ?
Question 227: And if 15...♕e6 16 ♕xc5 ♕c6 ?
16 ♕e5 ♘f6 17 ♘d6+! exd6 18 ♕xf6
Black fittingly dies on dark squares (18...0-0 19 ♗h6 and mates).
18...♖g8 19 ♗xd6 ♕d7 20 ♖ad1 resigns.
In view of 20...♖c8 21 ♗xc5 ♕c7 22 ♖xe6+! and mates.
Evgeny Vasiukov White
Yury Chikovani Black
Moscow 1963
1 e4 c5 2 ♘f3 ♘c6 3 ♗b5 ♕b6 4 ♘c3 e6 5 0-0 ♘f6 6 ♖e1 ♗e7 7 ♗xc6 ♕xc6 8 d4 0-0? 9 d5 ♕a6 10 d6 ♗d8 (10...♗xd6 11 e5) 11 ♗g5 h6 12 ♗h4 g5 13 ♘xg5! hxg5 14 ♗xg5 ♕a5 15 ♖e3 ♘h7 16 ♗h6 ♔h8 17 ♖g3 ♗h4 18 ♗g7+ ♔g8 19 ♗f6+! resigns.