The poor reputation of doubled pawns is deserved – if you look only at the pawns, not the pieces they help.
Eduard Mnatsakanian White
Vladimir Simagin Black
Kiev 1965
Caro-Kann Defense B15
1 e4 c6 2 ♘c3 d5 3 d4 dxe4 4 ♘xe4 ♘f6 5 ♘xf6+ exf6 6 ♗c4 ♗e7 7 ♕h5 0-0 8 ♘e2 g6
One Black bishop may safely go to f5 now. The other can reposition itself on g7, after ...♖e8, ...♗f8 and ...f5. But note that 9 ♕f3 ♗f5?? allows 10 ♗h6! ♖e8 11 ♕b3! with a double attack on f7 and b7.
9 ♕h6 ♗f5!
Now 10 c3 ♖e8 11 0-0 ♗f8! 12 ♕f4? b5 (13 ♗b3 ♖xe2).
10 ♗b3 c5 11 ♗e3 ♘c6 12 0-0-0
White would be worse after 12 d5? ♘e5 and 13...c4 or 13...b5.
12...c4!? 13 ♗xc4 ♘b4 14 ♗b3 ♖c8?
Better is 14...a5 (15 a3? a4 16 ♗xf7+ ♖xf7 18 axb4 a3!).
15 ♘c3 ♕a5 16 ♔b1??
Mandatory was 16 ♗d2 and then 16...♖fd8 (17 a3? ♘xc2 18 ♗xc2 ♗xa3!).
16...♖xc3! 17 bxc3 ♗xc2+ White resigns.
The end would be 18 ♗xc2 ♕xa2+ or 18 ♔c1 ♗xb3 19 axb3 ♕a2!.
Chulkov White
Haveman Black
Soviet Union 1947
1 e4 c6 2 ♘c3 d5 3 d4 dxe4 4 ♘xe4 ♘f6 5 ♘xf6+ exf6 6 ♗c4 ♗e7 7 ♕h5 0-0 8 ♘e2 g6 9 ♕f3 ♘d7 10 ♗h6 ♖e8?.
Question 237: How does White win material?
Georgs Bezruchko White
Salo Flohr Black
Riga 1939
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 ♘c3 dxe4 4 ♘xe4 ♘f6 5 ♘xf6+ exf6 6 c3 ♗d6 7 ♗d3 0-0 8 ♕h5 g6 9 ♕h6? ♖e8+! 10 ♘e2 ♘d7 11 ♗e3 ♘b6 12 0-0-0 ♘d5 13 ♗d2 ♗g4! 14 ♘g3 (14 ♖he1 ♗h5! and ...♗f8) f5 15 f3 ♗f8! and wins.