DAY 219 Trading Up

Trades help, not hinder, an initiative if they eliminate good defensive pieces.

Lajos Portisch White
David Bronstein Black
Monte Carlo 1969
Queen’s Gambit Declined D06

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c5!? 3 cxd5

Also good is 3 f3 dxc4 4 c3 cxd4 5 xd4! xd4 6 xd4. A curio went 6...a6 7 d5 d8 8 d2 d7 9 a5+ b6 10 c6+ e8 11 c7 mate!

3...f6 4 e4!? xe4 5 dxc5 xc5 6 f3

White transformed his extra pawn into fast development and a strong d5-pawn.

6...e6 7 c3 exd5 8 xd5!

Black’s weaknesses are not exploitable after 8 xd5 e6 9 c4 c6.


Without a queen to defend (8...xd5 9 xd5), Black is in trouble: 9...d6 10 e3 e6? 11 xc5 xc5 12 c7+. Or 10...bd7 11 d4 and f5 or b5.

9 e3 c6 10 b5! d7 11 0-0 e6 12 e5!

Another offer to trade keeps the initiative running.


If 12...c7 then 13 xd7+ xd7 14 xd7 xd7 15 fd1+ c8 16 ac1.

12...xe5 13 xe5 xb5 14 xb5 a6 15 ad1! d8

Not 15...axb5? 16 xb5+.

16 b6! xd1 17 xd1 f6 18 f5! g6

Or 18...f7 19 c7 xc7 20 d7.

19 c7+ f7 20 d5 resigns.

Question 248: Did White have a good alternative move 18?

Laszlo Szabo White
Alberic O’Kelly Black
Groningen 1946

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c5 3 cxd5 f6 4 dxc5 xd5 5 xd5 xd5 6 e4 b4 7 a3 e5 8 e3 a6 9 f3 f6 10 d2 e6 11 c4 xc4 12 dxc4 xc5 13 xc5 d3+ 14 e2 xc5 15 b6 a7 16 ac1! resigns.