DAY 229 Wing Shift

Even a strong player can concentrate too much on one wing.

David Bronstein White
Yefim Geller Black
Moscow 1961
Nimzo-Indian Defense, Saemisch Variation E27

1 d4 f6 2 c4 e6 3 c3 b4 4 a3 xc3+ 5 bxc3 0-0 6 f3 d5 7 cxd5 exd5 8 e3 f5!

Now 9 d3 xd3 10 xd3 c5! gives Black an easy game, e.g. 11 e2 a5 12 0-0 a6!.

9 e2 bd7 10 f4 c5 11 d3 xd3 12 xd3 e8 13 0-0 c8 14 b1

Black wants to play ...a5 followed by ...b6 to attack the queenside. Therefore he avoids 14...b6 or 14...b6.

14...a5? 15 xb7! b6


White’s rook is trapped and threatened by 16...c4 and 17...a6. Now 16 dxc5 xc5 17 e2 c4 is the kind of pressure Black had in mind.

16 g4!

White points out that there’s another side of the board: 16...c4 17 f5 a6 18 xb6! and 19 g5!.

Also 16...cxd4 17 cxd4 c3? fails to 18 xa7 xa7 19 xc3 (or 18 d2).

16...h6 17 h4! cxd4 18 g5! dxe3

Black bets on 19 xe3 hxg5 20 hxg5 xc3 (21 d2?? c5+).

19 gxf6 xc3

And he may have hoped for 20 d4? c4.

20 g6! resigns.

Now 20...fxg6 21 xg7+ and xg6 mate.

Question 258: Was there another winning 20th move?

Sayed Hassan White
Catalina Ros Black
Dos Hermanas 2003

1 d4 f6 2 c4 e6 3 c3 b4 4 f3 d5 5 a3 xc3+ 6 bxc3 0-0 7 cxd5 exd5 8 e3 f5 9 d3 xd3 10 xd3 bd7 11 e2 e8 12 0-0 c6? 13 g3 b6 14 e4! h6? 15 e5 h7 16 f4 f8 17 f5! c4 18 f6 g6 19 h5 b6? 20 fxg7 xe5 21 f6+ xg7 22 d7! and wins.