DAY 230 Pin Pain

Getting out of a simple diagonal pin can be far from simple.

Vlastimil Jansa White
Arthur Bisguier Black
Skopje 1972
English Opening A29

1 c4 e5 2 c3 f6 3 f3 c6 4 g3 b4 5 g2 0-0 6 0-0 d6 7 d3 xc3 8 bxc3 h6

Black should have considered 8...e4 (9 d4 e5).

9 e4!

White freezes the center so he can open the kingside with h4 and f2-f4.

9...e7 10 h4 g5? 11 f3 g6


12 xg5! hxg5 13 xg5

But the sacrifice is stronger than trying for f2-f4 because of the lasting pin on the f6-knight, e.g. 13...e7 14 f4 exf4 15 gxf4 (15...e6? 16 f5).


A better try is 13...g7 followed by a queen move and ...h7 or ...d7.

However, 14 f4 exf4 15 gxf4 threatens 16 e5 dxe5 17 fxe5 xe5 18 xf6+. For example, 15...e8 16 f5 e5 17 d4 xc4 18 d3 and the attack is overwhelming (18...b6 19 g3).

Question 259: Why not 15...d7 16 f5 e7 ?

14 f4 exf4 15 gxf4 g8 16 e1!

White stops 16...f8 and 17...xg5 with 17 h4+!.

16...e7 17 f5 d7?! 18 fxg6+ xg6 19 h4+

In view of 19...g7 20 xf6+ xf6 21 g5+ Black resigned.

Baadur Jobava White
Bosse Lindberg Black
Oropesa 2001

1 c4 f6 2 c3 e5 3 f3 c6 4 g3 b4 5 g2 0-0 6 0-0 xc3 7 bxc3 d6 8 d3 h6 9 e4! a5 10 h4 e7 11 f4! exf4 12 gxf4 g6 13 xg6 fxg6 14 d4 g4 15 d3 c6 16 a3 e8 17 h3 h5 18 ae1 d7 19 e5 dxe5 20 fxe5 h7 21 d5 f8 22 xf8+ xf8 23 e6 e8 24 xf8 xf8 25 d6! g8 26 c5 g5 27 d7 resigns.