DAY 238 Bishop Appreciation

The “2s” grow in value if enemy pieces are driven from the center.

Larry Christiansen White
Peter Cleghorn Black
Lone Pine 1976
English Opening A34

1 c4 f6 2 c3 c5 3 g3 c6 4 f3 e6 5 d4 cxd4 6 xd4 c5 7 b3 b4 8 g2 d5!

Now 9 0-0 dxc4! offers rough equality (10 d2 0-0 11 xc4 e7).

9 cxd5 xd5

A weak c3-pawn helps Black equalize after 10 d2 xc3 11 xc3 xc3+ 12 bxc3.

10 a3 xc3+

White’s bishops favor him after 10...xc3 11 xd8+ and 12 axb4!.

11 bxc3 f6

And he would regain the pawn profitably after 11...xc3? 12 xd8+ and 13 b2. Best was the riskless 11...0-0! (12 c4 b6).

12 0-0 xc3

The inconsistent 12...xc3 13 c2 d5 favors White after 14 b2 g5 15 c5 and 16 e4 or 16 fd1.

13 d2 b2


14 e4!

Now on 14...c3 15 xc3 xc3 White has the dangerous 16 c1 b2 17 d6!.

Question 268: And on 17...xb3 ?

14...de7 15 c1!

The rook supports c3 (15...f6 16 c3! e5 17 f4).

15...0-0?? 16 c3 resigns.

Black didn’t notice that 16...xa3 17 a1 traps the queen.

Deen Hergott White
Simon Gravel Black
Defi 1997

1 d4 f6 2 f3 e6 3 g3 c5 4 c4 cxd4 5 xd4 c6 6 c3 c5 7 b3 b4 8 g2 0-0 9 0-0 xc3 10 bxc3 d5 11 cxd5 xd5 12 c4 b6 13 c2 e7? 14 d1 c7 15 a3! e8 16 d6 d8 17 c5 c6 18 a6! bxc6 19 xc6 d7 20 xa8 and wins.