DAY 244 One-Move Window

When Black delays castling, White may get a brief window of opportunity.

Aron Nimzovich White
Karl Gilg Black
Kecskemet 1927
Sicilian Defense, Rossolimo Variation B30

1 e4 c5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 c7 4 c3 a6 5 a4 f6 6 e2 e5 7 0-0 e7


8 d4!

Black was one move away (...b5 or ...0-0) from a fully satisfactory game. But now 8...0-0 9 xc6! (9...xc6 10 dxe5 xe4? 11 e1) is trouble.

8...cxd4 9 cxd4 xd4

Trading knights helps White’s queen gets to the kingside faster. Better was 9...exd4 (10 e5 d5).

10 xd4 exd4 11 e5 d3! 12 e3

Black likely intended 13...g4, to win another pawn. Then 14 g3 h5 (15 f4? g5! or 15 f4? c5+). But White should continue 15 c3! xe5 16 f4 with the better chances.

12...d5 13 g3 g6?

Better was 13...0-0 14 h6 f6 (15 exf6? xg3) because of 15 e1! b5 16 b3 b7.

14 b3! b4 15 xf7+! d8

And here 15...xf7? 16 e6+ and xc7.

16 h6 c2 17 c3 d4

Question 274: Why not 17...xa1 ?

18 xd3 xe5 19 fe1 f6 20 xe7! resigns.

In view of 20...xe7 21 d5+ and 20...xe7 21 xd4.

Martin Martinez White
Dennis Gonzales Black
Tromso 2014

1 e4 c5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 c7 4 c3 e5 5 0-0 e7 6 d4 cxd4 7 cxd4 f6? 8 dxe5 xe5 9 f4 d6 10 xe5 xe5 11 xe5 xe5 12 c3 0-0 13 f4 c7 14 e5 e8 15 h1 a6 16 d5 c5 17 d3 c7? 18 xh7+! xh7 19 h5+ g8 20 f6+! gxf6 21 g4+ h8 22 f3 resigns.