DAY 251 Hyperopia

Our eyes have a tougher time seeing a tactical weakness on our side of the board than on his.

Beniamin Sozin White
Nekrasov Black
Moscow 1931
Sicilian Defense, Nimzovich Variation B29

1 e4 c5 2 f3 f6 3 e5 d5 4 b3 g6 5 b2 g7 6 c4 c7 7 c3 d6

Truer to the Hypermodern style was 7...c6 and 8 e4 e6 so that the e5-pawn is endangered by ...c7.

8 exd6 exd6 9 d4 cxd4 10 xd4 0-0 11 e2 d5

Now 12 c5 turns out well for Black after 12...8a6 13 a4 d7.

12 cxd5 xd5

And 13 0-0? f4! actually loses because of the ...xd4 threat, e.g. 14 f3 xd1 15 xd1 d3.

13 xd5 xd5 14 0-0 d8??


Black saw that White’s tactical weakness was the pinned d4-knight. And he rightly concluded that 15 b5 xb2 favors him (16 xd5 xd5 17 c7 xa1 18 xa1 d2).

15 c4! e4

But he didn’t see his own Achilles Heel, at f7, e.g. 15...d7 16 f3!.

Then 16...xd4? 17 xd4 xd4 18 ad1 b6 loses to 19 xf7+ h8 20 e7!.

Also bad is 15...c5 16 f3! because 16...xd4? 17 xf7+ h8 18 f6+! mates.

16 e1 f4 17 e7!

The only way to keep the game going is 17...f8 although it’s hard to find good moves after 18 d5 or 18 e2.

Question 281: What’s best after 18 d5 d6 ?

17...xd4 18 xf7! xf2+ 19 h1 xd1+ 20 xd1 resigns.

Jorge Rubinetti White
Santiago Imbert Black
Rosario 2001

1 e4 c5 2 f3 f6 3 e5 d5 4 b3 g6 5 b2 g7 6 c3 c7 7 e2 c6 8 0-0-0 0-0 9 e4 e6 10 e3 b6 11 c4 c7 12 eg5 h6 13 xe6 dxe6 14 h4 b4 15 h5 d5 16 e4 gxh5 17 xh5 b7 18 g5! f6 19 exf6! xe4 20 fxg7 resigns.