DAY 260 Power Failure

Spending piece power to thwart a minor plan is another kind of risk.

Vladimir Malakhov White
Alexander Areshchenko Black
Moscow 2005
Sicilian Defense, Rossolimo Variation B52

1 e5 c5 2 f3 d6 3 b5+ d7 4 xd7+ xd7 5 0-0 f6 6 e2 c6 7 d1 g4?

White signaled his d2-d4 intent. Black delayed it with a threat of 8...xe4.

8 d3 e5 9 bd2 e6

Black’s strategy seems to have succeeded, 10 d4? xf3+ 11 xf3 xe4.

10 h3! h5

On 10...xf3+ 11 xf3 g6 White has 12 e5 dxe5 13 d4! and b5+.

And 10...g6 11 xe5 dxe5 12 c4 was positionally bad.

11 d4! xf3+

Or 11...ed7 12 e5!, e.g. 12...dxe5 13 dxe5 d5 14 e4 with a plus. Worse is 11…c6 12 d5!, e.g. 12…exd5 13 exd5+ e5 14 b5+.

12 xf3 cxd4

Question 290: What’s best after 13...d7 ?


13 e5! dxe5

Or 13...d7 14 exd6 xd6 15 xd4 c5 16 e3 with a clear edge.

14 b5+ d7 15 xd4!

Now 15...0-0-0 16 f4! followed by ad1 or c4+. For example, 16…a6 17 a5 f6 18 c4+ or 17…c5 18 xe5!.

15...d8 16 xd7! xd7 17 g4! resigns.

For example, 17...xh3 18 xe5 or 17...a6 18 xd7+ and 19 gxh5.

Vasile Sanduleac White
Anton Stanciu Black
Galatzi 2007

1 e4 c5 2 f3 d6 3 b5+ d7 4 xd7+ xd7 5 0-0 c6 6 c3 f6 7 e2 e5 8 d1 e7 9 d4 cxd4 10 cxd4 exd4 11 xd4 xd4 12 xd4 0-0 13 c3 e6 14 f4 a6 15 ad1 fd8 16 h3 g6 17 d3 e8 18 d5 f6 19 xf6+ xf6 20 e5 e6 21 exd6 and wins.