DAY 261 False Knockout

A move that looks like it wins demands accurate calculation.

Istvan Csom White
Janos Flesch Black
Szombathely 1966
Sicilian Defense, Closed Variation B23

1 e4 c5 2 c3 e6 3 g3 c6 4 g2 b8 5 f3 b5 6 0-0 b4 7 e2 f6 8 d4!?

Now 8...a6 9 d5! favors White’s space and development edge.

For instance, 9…exd5 10 exd5 e7 11 a3 and axb4.

8...xe4 9 e5

This makes sense by attacking both enemy knights (9...f6? 10 xc6!).

9...xe5 10 dxe5 f5!

Question 291: Why is this better than 10...d5 ?

11 h4?

This cuts off the knight’s escape route to g5 and thereby threatens f2-f3.

But 11 f4! with its threat of h5+ offered some compensation.


Black keeps an extra pawn or two after 12 e1 e7 13 f3? xe2 and 14...xg3.

12 f4 xf1! 13 h5+ g6!

Not 13...e7? in view of 14 xe4 fxe4? 15 d5+! exd5 16 g5+.


14 xg6

White concludes that this wins (14...hxg6 15 xg6+ e7 16 xe4 and g5 mate).

14...e2! White resigns.

There is nothing left after 15 xe2 hxg6 or 15 f3 xg3.

Miroslav Marovic White
Miroslav Markovic Black
Budva 2003

1 e4 c5 2 c3 c6 3 g3 b8 4 g2 b5 5 f3 b4 6 d5 e6 7 e3 d5! 8 d3 f6 9 d2 e7 10 0-0 0-0 11 c3 bxc3 12 bxc3 a6 13 exd5 xd5 14 xd5 exd5 15 f3 f6 16 c2 a5 17 d2 b5 18 e1 fe8 19 c1 b2! 20 f4 (Better is 20 xd5 e5 21 c4) xc2 21 xc2 b1 22 c4 d4 23 d2 dxc4 24 dxc4 xc4 25 d3 xd3 26 xb1 xb1 White resigns.