Even a dubious plan works if given enough time.
Vincenzo Castaldi White
Savielly Tartakower Black
Stockholm 1937
Philidor’s Defense C41
1 e4 e5 2 ♘f3 d6 3 d4 ♘f6 4 ♘c3 ♘bd7 5 ♗e2
Most of White’s tactical ideas in the Philidor’s Defense are based on targeting f7 with ♗c4. See below.
5...♗e7 6 0-0 h6 7 b3 c6 8 ♗b2 ♕c7 9 ♕d2 g5
Black’s plan is ...♘f8-g6 and ...♘f4, along with ...0-0-0 and a kingside attack.
10 ♖fd1 ♘f8?
Question 309: Why not 10...g4 11 ♘h4! ♘xe4 ?
11 dxe5 dxe5
Black is one move away from coordinating his army (12...♘g6).
12 ♘xe5!
The main line runs 12...♕xe5 13 ♘d5! ♕xb2? 14 ♘c7 mate. Black would also be lost after 13...♕d6 14 ♘xf6+ or 13...♕b8 14 ♘xf6+.
12...♗e6 13 ♘b5!
So that 13...cxb5 14 ♗xb5+ and 15 ♘xd7 cleans up.
Black is also lost after 13…♕b6 14 a4!, e.g. 14…♖d8 15 ♗d4 c5 16 a5.
13...♕b8? 14 ♕a5!
Again 14...cxb5 15 ♗xb5+ is lost. So is 14...b6 15 ♕c3 (or 15 ♘xc6).
15 ♖xd8+! ♕xd8 16 ♘c7+ resigns.
The queen falls after 16...♔e7 17 ♗a3+.
Bobby Fischer White
Reuben Fine Black
New York 1963
1 e4 e5 2 ♘f3 d6 3 d4 ♘d7 4 ♗c4 c6 5 0-0 ♗e7 6 dxe5 dxe5?! 7 ♕e2 ♘gf6 8 ♖d1 ♕c7 9 ♘g5 0-0?? 10 ♗xf7+! resigns. (10...♖xf7 11 ♕c4)