DAY 278 Enough Time

Even a dubious plan works if given enough time.

Vincenzo Castaldi White
Savielly Tartakower Black
Stockholm 1937
Philidor’s Defense C41

1 e4 e5 2 f3 d6 3 d4 f6 4 c3 bd7 5 e2

Most of White’s tactical ideas in the Philidor’s Defense are based on targeting f7 with c4. See below.

5...e7 6 0-0 h6 7 b3 c6 8 b2 c7 9 d2 g5

Black’s plan is ...f8-g6 and ...f4, along with ...0-0-0 and a kingside attack.

10 fd1 f8?

Question 309: Why not 10...g4 11 h4! xe4 ?

11 dxe5 dxe5

Black is one move away from coordinating his army (12...g6).


12 xe5!

The main line runs 12...xe5 13 d5! xb2? 14 c7 mate. Black would also be lost after 13...d6 14 xf6+ or 13...b8 14 xf6+.

12...e6 13 b5!

So that 13...cxb5 14 xb5+ and 15 xd7 cleans up.

Black is also lost after 13…b6 14 a4!, e.g. 14…d8 15 d4 c5 16 a5.

13...b8? 14 a5!



Again 14...cxb5 15 xb5+ is lost. So is 14...b6 15 c3 (or 15 xc6).

15 xd8+! xd8 16 c7+ resigns.

The queen falls after 16...e7 17 a3+.

Bobby Fischer White
Reuben Fine Black
New York 1963

1 e4 e5 2 f3 d6 3 d4 d7 4 c4 c6 5 0-0 e7 6 dxe5 dxe5?! 7 e2 gf6 8 d1 c7 9 g5 0-0?? 10 xf7+! resigns. (10...xf7 11 c4)