DAY 282 Computer Defying

Some plans can’t be quickly calculated, even by a computer. Trust your instinct.

Zoltan von Balla White
Richard Reti Black
Budapest 1918
Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Variation C63

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 f5 4 d3 f6 5 0-0 c5 6 c4 d6 7 g5

A computer will likely tell you White is winning after:



This begins a powerful kingside attack based mainly on gut feeling, not calculation.

8 f7 e7 9 xh8 g4! 10 d2 d4

Even here an engine may like 11 c3 – until it looks at 11...f3+ 12 gxf3 xf3 (13 e1 xe4! and ...g5+).

11 h1 f3! 12 a5 xe4!

Question 314: What’s the main threat?

13 g3 xf2+

Now 14 g2 h3+ 15 xf3 e4+ and mates.

14 xf2 xf2 15 g2 fxg3 16 hxg3


16...xg3! 17 b5+

Or 17 xg3 h4+ 18 g2 h2+ and mates.

17...c6 18 b4 h4 19 f7+

Now 19...f8?? 20 xd6+ saves White.

19...e7! 20 xb7+ f6 White resigns.

F. McCurdy White
Ilmari Tuomainen Black
Harrachov 1967

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 f5 4 d3 f6 5 0-0 c5 6 c3 0-0 7 c4+ h8 8 a3 d6 9 d2 f4! 10 h3 g5 11 a4 g4 12 xc5 dxc5 13 hxg4 xg4 14 f3 d7 15 f2 h5 16 h1 g3 17 h2 e6! 18 c3 xc4 19 dxc4 d3 20 e1 ad8 21 h3 d4! 22 g1 c2 23 f2 xa1 24 xc5 d6 White resigns.