Some plans can’t be quickly calculated, even by a computer. Trust your instinct.
Zoltan von Balla White
Richard Reti Black
Budapest 1918
Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Variation C63
1 e4 e5 2 ♘f3 ♘c6 3 ♗b5 f5 4 d3 ♘f6 5 0-0 ♗c5 6 ♗c4 d6 7 ♘g5
A computer will likely tell you White is winning after:
This begins a powerful kingside attack based mainly on gut feeling, not calculation.
8 ♘f7 ♕e7 9 ♘xh8 ♗g4! 10 ♕d2 ♘d4
Even here an engine may like 11 c3 – until it looks at 11...♘f3+ 12 gxf3 ♗xf3 (13 ♖e1 ♘xe4! and ...♕g5+).
11 ♔h1 ♘f3! 12 ♕a5 ♘xe4!
Question 314: What’s the main threat?
13 g3 ♘xf2+
Now 14 ♔g2 ♗h3+ 15 ♔xf3 e4+ and mates.
14 ♖xf2 ♗xf2 15 ♔g2 fxg3 16 hxg3
16...♗xg3! 17 ♕b5+
Or 17 ♔xg3 ♕h4+ 18 ♔g2 ♕h2+ and mates.
17...c6 18 ♕b4 ♕h4 19 ♗f7+
Now 19...♔f8?? 20 ♕xd6+ saves White.
19...♔e7! 20 ♕xb7+ ♔f6 White resigns.
F. McCurdy White
Ilmari Tuomainen Black
Harrachov 1967
1 e4 e5 2 ♘f3 ♘c6 3 ♗b5 f5 4 d3 ♘f6 5 0-0 ♗c5 6 ♘c3 0-0 7 ♗c4+ ♔h8 8 a3 d6 9 ♘d2 f4! 10 h3 g5 11 ♘a4 g4 12 ♘xc5 dxc5 13 hxg4 ♗xg4 14 f3 ♗d7 15 ♔f2 ♘h5 16 ♖h1 ♘g3 17 ♖h2 ♗e6! 18 c3 ♗xc4 19 dxc4 ♕d3 20 ♕e1 ♖ad8 21 ♖h3 ♘d4! 22 ♔g1 ♘c2 23 ♕f2 ♘xa1 24 ♕xc5 ♕d6 White resigns.