DAY 289 Artificially Isolated

When pawns on adjacent files can’t defend one another, the more advanced pawn can be vulnerable.

Gyula Sax White
Ljubomir Ljubojevic Black
London 1980
Sicilian Defense B40

1 e4 c5 2f3 e6 3 c3 d5 4 e5 d4 5d3!?

If White can prompt ...dxc3, then dxc3! improves his pawn structure and his c1-bishop’s future.

5...c6 6e2ge7!


The e5-pawn is artificially isolated because White can’t play d2-d4. Black will attack it three times and also threaten the annoying ...g6-f4.

7 0-0 g6 8 e4

Since Black refuses to play ...dxc3?, White will attack the d4-pawn three times.

8...e7 9 a3 0-0 10 cxd4 cxd4 11 c2 c7 12 e1 d8!

And 13 cxd4? xd4 14 xd4 loses to 14...d7! (15 -moves xd3).

13 h4?!

White goes desperate because he also faced 13...d5 and 14...cxe5.

13...h5 14 g4 hxg4 15 h5

Now if 15...f8 16 xg4, White’s e5-pawn is secure and the d4-pawn isn’t. Not bad is 15...gxf3 16 hxg6 f5 but Black has better.

15...cxe5! 16 xe5 f5!

Here 17 h1 xe5 and ...f3+ is hopeless.

17 e2 f4 18 f1 b5! White resigns.

Question 322: Why resign?

James Cobb White
Colin Crouch Black
Hastings 2004

1 e4 c5 2 f3 e6 3 c3 d5 4 e5 d4 5 d3 c6 6 e2 ge7 7 0-0 g6 8 g3? f5 9 a3 a6 10 c2 b5 11 b3 b7 12 e1 e7 13 f1? 0-0 14 b2 f4! 15 cxd4 fxg3 16 hxg3 cxd4 (16...b4!) 17 e4? (17 xg6) d3! 18 xd3 b4! 19 fd4 xd3 20 xd3 d5 21 e3 xf2+ 22 xf2 f8 23 e3 h1+ White resigns.