DAY 295 Trappy Openings

Amateurs dread facing variations laden with traps. But these are second-best openings – if you avoid the traps.

Iivo Nei White
Alexander Koblents Black
Tallinn 1956
Sicilian Defense, Morra Gambit B21

1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 c3

This gambit has a dubious reputation at the master level – despite hundreds of master losses as Black.

4...dxc3 4 xc3 c6 5 f3 d6 6 c4 e6

Black tiptoes through the minefield by dodging 6...f6? 7 e5!.

For example, 7...xe5?? 8 xe5 dxe5 9 xf7+! xf7 10 xd8. Or 7...dxe5 8 xd8+ xd8 9 g5.

7 0-0 ge7 8 g5


This frightens Black away from the weakening 8...f6.

He also sees that 8...a6 9 c1 b5? allows 10 xb5! axb5 11 xb5 and xd6+. But 9...h6! would have been fine.

8...h6?? 9 b5!

Black is lost (10 xd6+ d7 11 xf7+).

9...d5 10 exd5 hxg5

Or 10...exd5 11 xd5 hxg5 (11...xd5?? 12 c7+) 12 e1! and xg5.

11 dxe6! g6

And here it’s 11...xe6 12 xe6 fxe6 13 d6+.

12 exf7+ e7 13 e1+ f6 14 e3 f4 15 h4! e6 16 hxg5+ f5 17 xe6+ xe6 18 g4+! resigns.

Question 330: What’s the finish?

Ravinda Dongre White
Saha Suvrajit Black
Calcutta 1991

1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 xc3 c6 5 f3 d6 6 c4 e6 7 0-0 ge7 8 g5 a6! 9 e2 h6 10 e3 g6 11 fd1 d7 12 ac1 e7 13 b3 b5 14 d4 a5 15 f4 xb3 16 axb3 0-0 17 e5? b8 18 f3 d8 19 f2 e8 20 b6 c8 21 f5 xe5 22 xe5 dxe5 23 fxe6 fxe6 24 e4 h5 25 e1 b4 26 f1 b7 27 e3 g6 28 c5? xe4! (29 xe4 xc5+!) White resigns.