DAY 307 Impossible Moves

The strongest moves are often impossible: They look too flawed to be playable.

Adolf Rosentreter White
Leopold Hoffer Black
Berlin 1899
Giuoco Piano C55

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 c4 c5 4 0-0 f6 5 d4 xd4!

Black avoids the Max Lange Attack (5...exd4 6 e5) and the risky 5...xd4 6 xe5 (6...0-0? 7 e3! e6 8 xe6 xe3 9 xf7+).

6 xd4 xd4

Here 6...exd4 would be fine if it weren’t for 7 e5! (7...xe5? 8 e1 d6 9 f4).

7 g5 h6

Postal players have had mixed results after 7...d6 8 f4 e7 and 7...e7 8 c3 c6.

8 h4 g5


9 f4!

This move was made “impossible” by 8...g5. Now 9...exf4 10 xd4 wins a piece (10...gxh4 11 xf4).


Crucial was 9...d5. Then 10 fxe5 e4 11 xd4 dxc4 12 xc4 and White is doing very well.

Question 344: How does Black improve?

Better is 10 exd5 g4 when the jury is still out on who stands better.

10 xf4! exf4 11 xd4 0-0

Also lost was 11...c5 (12 xf6 xf6 or 12 e5+ e7 13 xf6 xe5).

12 xf6 e8 13 h8! resigns.

Mate on g7 can only be delayed.

Frank Marshall White
Arturo Reggio Black
Monte Carlo 1901

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 c4 c5 4 d4 xd4 5 0-0 d6 6 xd4 xd4 7 f4 e6 8 d3 f6 9 e3 c6 10 f5 f7 11 c3 ge7 12 g4 g8 13 h4 h6 14 a3 b8 15 ad1 d7 16 e2 a6 17 h1 g6 18 xh6 gxf5 19 exf5 f8 20 h5 xh5 21 xh5+ f7 22 g4 d5 23 g5 d4 24 g6 f8 25 h6 dxc3 26 xf8 xf8 27 h6+ e8 28 h8+ resigns.