If one piece stands badly – the whole position is bad, said Siegbert Tarrasch. He might have added “especially if it’s a bishop.”
Aleksander Sznapik White
Gyozo Forintos Black
Sochi 1974
Sicilian Defense, Grand Prix Attack B23
1 e4 c5 2 f4 g6 3 ♘f3 ♗g7 4 ♘c3 ♘c6 5 ♗c4 e6
This is significantly different from the Day 133 game because Black can play ...d5 in one step.
6 f5 ♘ge7
Rather than accept the gambit (6...exf5 7 d3 or 6...gxf5 7 d3) Black shoots for 7 0-0 d5 (8 ♗b3? c4).
7 fxe6 fxe6 8 d3 d5! 9 ♗b3 b5!
Black threatens to bury the bishop with 10...c4. This is based on 10 ♘xb5 ♕a5+ (11 ♘c3 d4).
10 a4 b4 11 ♘e2 ♘a5 12 c3 ♕b6
Also good is 12...♖b8, threatening to win a piece by 13...bxc3. The endgame of 13 ♗c2 b3 14 ♗b1 dxe4 15 dxe4 ♕xd1+ 15 ♔xd1 0-0 is very favorable.
13 ♖b1?
This is even worse than 13 ♗c2 b3 14 ♗b1 dxe4 15 dxe4 0-0 followed by ...♗a6 and ...♖ad8.
Question 348: How bad is 13 c4 ?
Black dooms the piece he’s harassed since move eight (14 ♗c2 b3).
14 ♗g5 ♘xb3 15 ♗xe7 ♔xe7 16 exd5 exd5 17 d4? ♗f5! White resigns.
White will be a full rook down after 18...♗xb1.
R. Jonas White
Joseph Gallagher Black
Bargteheide 1988
1 e4 c5 2 ♘c3 ♘c6 3 f4 g6 4 ♘f3 ♗g7 5 ♗c4 e6 6 f5 ♘ge7 7 fxe6 fxe6 8 0-0 d5 9 exd5 exd5 10 ♗b3 c4 11 ♗a4 ♗f5 12 d3 cxd3 13 cxd3 0-0 14 ♘h4? ♕b6+ 15 ♔h1 ♗g4 16 ♖xf8+? ♖xf8 17 ♕e1 ♘e5! 18 ♗e3 ♕xb2 19 h3 ♘xd3! 20 ♖b1 ♘xe1 21 ♖xb2 ♗xc3 22 ♖xb7 ♖f1+ 23 ♔h2 ♗e5+ 24 g3 ♘f5 White resigns.