If one piece in a coordinated chain is deflected, the chain can collapse like a house of cards.
Vladimir Litvinov White
Abram Roizman Black
Minsk 1963
Sicilian Defense, Dragon Variation B76
1 e4 c5 2 ♘f3 g6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ♘xd4 ♘c6 5 ♗e3 ♘f6 6 ♘c3 ♗g7 7 ♗c4 0-0 8 ♗b3 d6 9 f3 ♘d7
The knight is headed to c4 to block one of the White bishops and attack the other. If Black can neutralize the bishops he has taken a bite out of White’s attacking plan.
10 ♕d2 ♘b6 11 0-0-0 ♘a5
The usual way for White to attack is h2-h4-h5xg6 followed by ♗h6. But 12 h4 ♘bc4 will stop him, e.g. 13 ♕e2 ♘xe3 followed by ...♘xb3.
White can delay that with 12 ♕d3. After 12...♗d7 and 13...♖c8 he has to deal with 14...♘bc4.
Black has done well in games that went 13 h4 ♖c8 14 h5 ♘bc4 15 hxg6 hxg6 16 ♗g5 ♘xb3+ and 14 ♔b1 ♘ac4 15 ♗c1 a5.
12 ♗h6??
The bishop is protected by the queen but this chain is broken by:
12...♘ac4 13 ♕g5
Or 13 ♗xc4 ♘xc4 14 ♕e2 ♗xh6+ and wins.
This wins at least a piece (14 ♕xd8 ♗xh6+ and 15...♖xd8).
Question 356: What is Black’s main threat?
14 ♘d5 exd4 15 f4 ♘xd5
Black simplifies to a winning endgame.
16 ♗xg7 ♕xg5 17 fxg5 ♔xg7 18 ♗xc4 ♘e3 White resigns.
Bobby Fischer White
Sharav Purevzhav Black
Varna 1962
1 e4 c5 2 ♘f3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ♘xd4 ♘f6 5 ♘c3 g6 6 ♗e3 ♗g7 7 f3 ♘c6 8 ♕d2 0-0 9 ♗c4 ♘d7 10 0-0-0 ♘b6 11 ♗b3 ♘a5 12 ♕d3 ♗d7 13 h4 ♖c8 14 h5 ♘bc4 15 hxg6 hxg6? 16 ♗h6 e6? (Better was 16...e5 immediately) 17 f4 e5 (17...♗xh6 18 ♖xh6 ♕f6 19 ♘de2 is bad) 18 ♘f5! ♗xf5 19 exf5 ♘xb2 20 ♔xb2 e4 21 ♗xg7! ♔xg7 (21...exd3 22 f6 and mates) 22 ♘xe4 resigns.