Once Black equalizes he needs more than safe moves to make progress.
Vasily Smyslov White
Svetozar Gligoric Black
Bled-Zagreb-Belgrade 1959
King’s Indian Defense E61
1 d4 ♘f6 2 c4 g6 3 ♘c3 ♗g7 4 ♗g5 c5 5 dxc5 ♘a6! 6 g3 ♘xc5 7 ♗g2 d6
White planned 8 e4? but 8...♕a5! would threaten 9...♘fxe4 (9 ♕d2? ♘b3).
He is also worse after 8 ♘f3 ♘fe4! or 8 ♘h3 ♗xh3 9 ♗xh3 ♘fe4.
8 ♖c1 0-0 9 b4 ♘e6 10 ♗d2
Black is better but the position will slide back to equality after routine moves like 10...♖b8 and 11...♗d7. And 10...♕c7 11 ♘d5! favors White.
10...a5! 11 a3
If 11 b5, then 11...♕c7 is stronger (12 ♘d5 ♘xd5 13 cxd5 ♘c5! or 12 ♕b3 ♘c5).
11...axb4 12 axb4 ♘d4
Now 13 ♘f3 ♘xf3+ 14 ♗xf3 ♗h3 and White can’t castle.
13 ♘h3 ♗e6!
White’s queenside pawn are weak after 14 ♗g5 ♘c6 15 b5 ♘e5 or 15...♘a5.
14 ♘d5? ♘xd5 15 cxd5 ♗d7
The threat is 16...♗a4!, trapping the queen.
Question 357: What about 16 ♗c3 ?
16 ♖c3 ♖a2 17 ♕b1
Or 17 0-0 ♘xe2+ 18 ♕xe2 ♗xc3.
17...♕a8 18 ♖c1 ♗f5
In view of 19 e4 ♗xh3 20 ♗xh3 ♘f3+, White resigns.
Bogdan Sliwa White
Jacek Bednarski Black
Glucholazy 1963
1 c4 g6 2 ♘c3 ♗g7 3 d4 ♘f6 4 ♗g5 c5 5 dxc5 ♘a6 6 g3 ♘xc5 7 ♗g2 d6 8 ♖c1 0-0 9 ♕d2 ♖e8 10 e4? ♘g4! 11 ♘ge2 ♘e5 12 0-0 (12 b3 ♘ed3+) ♘xc4 13 ♕c2 ♘e6 14 ♗f4 ♗d7 15 ♘d5 ♖c8 16 ♘ec3 b5 17 ♕e2 ♘d4 18 ♕d3 ♘xb2 19 ♕b1 ♘c4 20 ♖cd1 e6 21 ♘b4 ♘a3 22 ♕b2 ♖xc3! White resigns.