DAY 325 Stragglers

The problem with some positions is the first-rank pieces you haven’t touched yet.

Mikhail Tal White
Wolfgang Uhlmann Black
Herceg Novi 1970
Reti Opening A00

1 g3 d5 2 g2 f6 3 c4 dxc4 4 f3 bd7

It’s not evident but Black’s main opening problem is how to develop his queenside pieces. One solution is 5 a4 a6 6 xc4 b5! and ...b7.

5 0-0 a6 6 a3

Black can’t stop xc4 with 6...b5 in view of 7 d4! (7...b8?? 8 c6).

Moreover, 6...b6 7 e5 e6 favors White after 8 axc4 xc4 9 xc4 e7 10 d4 because of Black’s queenside stragglers (10...0-0 11 g5 b8 12 c1 d7 13 e5).

6...c5? 7 xc4 e6 8 d4!


Now 8...cxd4 9 xd4 is followed by 10 d6+ (or 9 xd4 and d2/c1 with advantage.

Question 366: What about 8...b6 ?

8...b8? 9 f4! a8

Black can’t survive the loss of two tempi.

10 dxc5! xc5

Or 10...xc5 11 d6! and Black cannot castle (11...xd6 12 xd6+ f8 13 g5 or 12...e7 13 e4 with a near-winning position).

11 xd8+ xd8 12 fd1+

Now 12...d5 13 b6 is like the game. So is 12...cd7 13 b6 a7 14 b8 – except that White has the even better 14 ac1! and xc8+.

12...fd7 13 b6 a7 14 b8! resigns.

Malek Mohammed Abdul White
Mehdi Hasan Black
Dhaka 2004

1 f3 d5 2 c4 dxc4 3 a4+ d7 4 g3 gf6 5 g2 c6 6 xc4 b6 7 c2 g4 8 h3 xf3 9 xf3 e6 10 0-0 bd5 11 d3 b6 12 d2 d8 13 a3 h5? 14 e4! c7 15 c4 d4 16 d1 d7 17 d4 e7 18 b3 c8 19 e3 a8 20 g5 b5? 21 e5 g8 22 xe7 xe7 23 ac1 a6 24 e3 f6 25 d3 b6 26 f4! c4 27 e2 h4 28 xe6 d7? 29 c5 resigns.