DAY 332 Check Plus

When you can reach the same kind of position with or without a check, add up the plusses and minuses.

Oleg Romanishin White
Vasily Ivanchuk Black
Irkutsk 1986
French Defense, Advance Variation C02

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 c5 4 c3 c6 5 f3 d7 6 e2 f6 7 0-0 fxe5 8 xe5!

With Black’s kingside weakened somewhat, White eyes h5+.

8...xe5 9 dxe5 c7

Black threatens ...xe5 and prepares ...0-0-0, e.g. 10 f4 e7 and ...g6.

10 c4! xe5


Now 11 f3 would threaten 12 cxd5 (12...exd5?? 13 e1).

11 h5+!? g6 12 f3

Black sees ...g6 as a free move. White sees how f6 is weakened.

12...0-0-0 13 e1 d6 14 c3

That weakening counts after 14...f6 15 g5!. For example, 15...e7 16 cxd5 exd5 17 xe7 xe7 18 xd5. Or 17 xd5 xd5 18 xe7.


Black’s problems are further shown by 14...d4 15 b3 b6 16 b5. Then 16...a6? 17 d6+! (17...xd6 18 xb7 mate).

15 e2 f6 16 xc4 e7 17 f4 d4?

Black is in bad shape following 17...b6 18 b4.

Question 373: And on 18...xb4 ?

18 b5! xb5 19 xb7+! resigns.

Mate in two moves.

Antti Pyhala White
Rikard Backelin Black
Stockholm 1987

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 c5 4 c3 c6 5 f3 d7 6 e2 f6 7 0-0 fxe5 8 xe5 xe5 9 fxe5 c7 10 c4 xe5 11 h5+ g6 12 f3 0-0-0 13 e1 c7 14 cxd5 d6? 15 g5! e7 16 c3 de8? 17 dxe6 c6 18 xc6 xc6 19 e4 f5 20 xd6+ xd6 21 c1 hf8 22 b4! c4 22 b5 c7 23 d4! xb5 24 xc4 xc4 25 xc4+ b8 26 e7 resigns.