Great moves can be inspired by considering good moves.
Vasja Pirc White
Alberic O’Kelly de Galway Black
Amsterdam 1950
Colle System A46
1 ♘f3 ♘f6 2 d4 b6 3 e3 ♗b7 4 ♗d3 c5 5 0-0 e6 6 ♘bd2 ♘c6 7 c3 ♕c7 8 a3 cxd4 9 exd4 ♗e7 10 ♖e1 ♘d5 11 ♘c4 ♘f4?
This would have turned out well if 12...♘xd3 were allowed (or 12 ♗f1 0-0).
12 ♗xf4 ♕xf4 13 d5! ♘d8
Black’s failure to castle would cost him after 13...exd5 14 ♘e3! and ♘xd5 or ♘f5.
Question 379: What’s best after 14...♘d8 ?
When White chose 13 d5 he must have seen this far, realized that 14...♗xd5 was threatened and saw that 14 d6? ♗xf3! is poor.
He must have looked further, at 14 dxe6, and noticed 14...dxe6 15 ♘ce5! has a threat of ♗b5+.
14 ♘ce5!
That analysis led him to this way of making 15 ♗b5 stronger. For example, 14...♗xd5 15 ♗b5! ♘c6 16 c4! ♗xf3? 17 ♕xd7+ and wins.
14...a6 15 g3!
White looks for a queen trap (15...♕f6? 16 ♘g4!).
15...♕h6 16 ♘g4 ♕h5
Or 16...♕h3 17 ♘g5 ♗xg5 18 ♗f1! ♕h5 19 ♘f6+!.
17 ♘fe5 g6 18 ♗e2 ♕f5 19 d6 resigns.
Before 19...♗f8 20 ♗d3 ♕h5 21 ♘f6+.
Luis Piazzini White
J. Martinez Black
Buenos Aires 1947
1 d4 ♘f6 2 ♘f3 e6 3 e3 b6 4 ♘bd2 ♗b7 5 ♗d3 c5 6 c3 ♘c6 7 0-0 ♕c7 8 a3 d5 9 b4 cxd4 10 cxd4 ♗d6 11 ♗b2 0-0 12 ♖c1 ♕e7 13 ♘e5 ♖fc8 14 ♕f3 ♘d7 15 ♕h3 f5 16 f4 ♘f6 17 ♘2f3 ♖c7 18 ♘g5 ♖ac8 19 ♘xe6!? ♕xe6 20 ♗xf5 ♕e8 21 ♗e6+ ♔f8? 22 f5 ♖a8? 23 ♘g6+! hxg6 24 ♕h8+ ♔e7 25 ♕xg7+ ♔d8 26 ♕xf6+ ♖e7 27 ♗xd5 exf5 28 ♕xd6+ resigns.