DAY 341 Respect

A caveman mating plan is, after all, still a plan. It must be respected.

Bent Larsen White
Viktor Korchnoi Black
Brussels 1987
English Opening A11

1 c4 c6 2 f3 d5 3 g3 f6 4 b3 b6

The Black queen discourages 5 b2 dxc4! (6 bxc4? xb2), eyes tactics involving f2 and prepares his next move.

5 g2 e5!

Based on 6 xe5? d4.

6 0-0 e4

Now 7 g5 h6 8 h3 e7 favors Black’s space edge.

Question 383: Why not 8...dxc4 9 bxc4 d4 ?

7 e1 h5!? 8 c3 h4 9 d4 hxg3 10 fxg3?


The principled 10 hxg3 looks risky after 10...a5 (11 b2? dxc4 12 bxc4? h5! and mates). But 11 d2 dxc4 12 xe4 or 11...b4 12 c1 was unclear.


Thanks to 10 fxg3?, now 11 d2? e3! costs a piece and 11 b2 allows 11...g4!.

11 c2 b4 12 b2 e6 13 cxd5

Better is 13 a3 but Black holds the high cards after 13...e7.

13...xd5! 14 xd5 cxd5 15 a3 d2!

Now 16 b4 e3+ 17 h1 d8! and 18...g5 will be threatening 19...xh2+! 20 xh1 h6+ and wins. White is losing after 18 c1 xd4 or 18 c3 g5 19 g4 h4.

16 d1? e3+ 17 h1 c7! White resigns.

No defense to 18...xg3.

Geo Sikharulidze White
Miranda Mikadze Black
Tbilisi 2007

1 f3 f6 2 c4 c6 3 g3 d5 4 b3 b6 5 g2 e5 6 0-0 e4 7 e1 h5 8 cxd5 cxd5 9 c3 h4 10 d3 hxg3 11 hxg3 d6 12 a4 c7 13 g5 e3!? 14 xe3 g4 15 c1 c6 16 c3 h2! 17 xd5 d8 18 g5 f6 19 f4 xf1 20 xf1 h3 21 e3+ e5 22 xe5 xg2+! 23 g1 xd5! 24 xf6+ f7 25 h4 g5 White resigns.