DAY 347 Rule Reversal

If White refuses to occupy the center in a Hypermodern opening, Black can switch roles.

Lembit Oll White
Mikhail Ialian Black
USSR Cup 1984
Nimzo-Indian, Classical Variation E38

1 d4 f6 2 c4 e6 3 c3 b4 4 c2 c5 5 dxc5

White liquidates his best center pawn in hopes of exerting pressure on the d-file (d1) and the d6 square in particular (f4).

5...xc5 6 f3 0-0 7 f4 c6 8 d1 d5 9 a3 e5!?

BIack fills the center void, based on 10 xe5 xe5 11 xe5 xf2+ 12 xf2 g4+. The situation after 13 e1 xe5 14 cxd5 would be unclear.


10 g3?

White should realize that the roles have changed – and become the Hypermodernist with 10 g5!. The Black center is threatened by xf6, and 10...d4 11 d5 leads to fairly balanced play, e.g. 11...e7 12 xf6 xf6 13 e3!.

10...d4! 11 xd4 exd4 12 xd5 xd5 13 cxd5 b6!

White may have counted on 13...xd5 14 e4 e8 15 d3 with adequate chances. But now he can’t push his e-pawn safely (14 e4 dxe3 15 fxe3 e8).

14 f3? d7 15 e5 c8

The initiative can’t be stopped now (16 b3 e8! followed by ...xe5 or ...a4).

16 d3 a4! 17 d2 c1+ 18 f2 c2

Question 390: What happens on 19 xc2 ?

19 b5 a6 White resigns.

It’s over (20 b4 a5 or 20 c4 h4+! and 21...d3+).

Ikka Kanko White
Harri Hurme Black
Espoo 1984

1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 c3 f6 4 f3 e7 5 f4 0-0 6 e3 c5 7 dxc5 xc5 8 c2 c6 9 d1 b6? 10 a3 b7 11 e2 c8 12 cxd5 exd5 13 0-0 d8 14 g5! e7 15 d4 g6 16 h6 e8 17 b5 c6 18 xd5! xd5 19 xc6 f6 20 xd5 a6 21 a4 e6 22 c1 b5 23 c5! and wins. (23...bxa4 24 e7+ and xc8+).