DAY 359 Battleground Square

No single square wins a chess game. But seizing a battleground square is a good start.

Carlos Cuartas White
Patrick Wolff Black
New York 1997
Nimzo-Larsen Attack A04

1 f3 c5 2 b3 d5 3 e3 f6 4 b2 e6 5 e5

If White can maintain a knight on e5 he stands better, e.g. 5 b5+ c6?! 6 e5 and 7 f4. But 5...bd7! 6 e5 a6 or 6...d6 is balanced.

5...bd7! 6 b5 d6! 7 f4 c7


Now 8 f3 0-0 9 g3 would threaten 10 xd7! xd7 11 xf6 and wins. But Black gets the upper hand with 9...e4! and 10...xe5.

8 0-0 0-0 9 xd7?

White should admit he is only equal (9 xd7 xd7 10 h5 f5).

9...xd7 10 h5 f5 11 xd7 xd7

Now if 12 d3, with the idea of 13 d2 and 14 f3, Black can foil that with 12...d4 or 12...c6 13 d2 e5!.

12 c4?! d4! 13 exd4 xf4 14 dxc5 c6 15 h4 e5 16 f2 f7

The tide is turning but 17 g3 h5 18 c3! is unclear (18...xg3! 19 xg3 f6 20 f2 – but not 18 gxf4 f6! and ...g6+).

17 d4? h5 18 g3

Question 405: What if 18 h3 ?

18...xg3! 19 xg3 f4 20 c3 exd4 White resigns.

In view of 21 d2 g4+ 22 f2 ae8!.

Arpad Vajda White
Yuri Averbakh Black
Budapest 1949

1 f3 d5 2 b3 f6 3 b2 e6 4 e3 c5 5 e5 d6 6 b5+ bd7 7 f4 0-0 8 0-0 c7 9 xd7 xd7 10 xd7 xd7 11 c3 f6 12 e2 a6 13 f3 c6 14 h3 ae8 15 d3 b5 16 ae1 e5 17 f5 b4 18 e2 e4 19 f4 xf4! 20 xf4 exd3 21 h4 (21 cxd3 xf4!) d2! 22 d1 d4 23 xh7 xe3 24 h8+ f7 25 h5+ e7 26 xd2 e5 White resigns.