DAY 360 Mildly Dubious

A mildly dubious move is a gamble to tempt an opponent out of his comfort zone. The gamble often pays off.

Arturo Pomar White
Bent Larsen Black
Barcelona 1975
Dutch Defense A80

1 d4 f5 2 c3 d5 3 f3 c5 4 e4!

Now 4...dxe4 5 b5+ makes White’s lead in development significant, e.g. 5...c6 6 d5 or 5...d7 6 dxc5 with a slight edge.



This works in some ways (5 exd5? cxd4! favors Black).

Or 5 dxe5! d4 6 d5 fxe4 7 fxe4? h4+.

But if White looks calmly at this, he’d find that 7 b5+! is good – 7...d7 8 xd7+ xd7 and 9 fxe4 h4+ 10 f1. And 9 e2! is better.

5 b5+?! d7 6 xd7+ xd7

White would still be better after 7 dxe5 d4 8 d5 xe5 9 e2. But his discomfort with the many center choices showed:

7 xd5? cxd4 8 e2 fxe4 9 fxe4 gf6

Black is at least equal and would be better after 10 xf6+ xf6 or 10 d3? xd5 11 exd5 a5+.

10 g5? a5+ 11 d2 c5 12 xf6+ xf6 13 g3 h5!

Black edge would grow after 14 h4 b5.

14 f3?! h4 15 e2 xc2 16 f5 xe4

The endgame is lost so White throws the dice.

17 e6+ e7 18 b4 d5 19 xe7 f4! 20 c4 xe7 White resigns.

Question 406: Did Black have an even better 20th move?

Bandyopadhyay Roktim White
Gert Van Rij Black
Vlissingen 2006

1 d4 f5 2 c3 d5 3 e4 dxe4 4 f3 f6 5 fxe4 fxe4 6 c4 c6 7 ge2 e5 8 g5 f5? 9 g3 xd4 10 xf5 xc4 11 xf6 gxf6 12 h5+ d7? 13 0-0-0+ d6 14 g4 e6 15 xe4 d4 16 xd4! exd4 17 g7+ e7 18 xf6+ and wins.