
Sue Clark, CZT

I met Sue in 2010 at the Certified Zentangle® Teacher seminar in Massachusetts. This is one of my favorite tangles, and I am so pleased that Sue has allowed me to share it with you.


Sakura Pigma Micron pen (.01 Black)
Graphite pencil
Fabriano Tiepolo printmaking paper (312″ [8.9cm] tile)

Step 1: Create your pencil border on your Zentangle tile.

Step 2: Create a grid of dots on your tile. I have 6 across and 5 down.

Step 3: Draw lines across the tile, halfway between the dots, but leave a small gap between each line. These will look like the division sign in mathematics.

Step 4: Starting at the top dot, draw increasingly longer lines until you meet the middle line. The result will look like a cone. Do this to all of your dots.

Step 5: Turn your tile 180 degrees and repeat step 4.

Sakura Pigma Micron pen, graphite pencil