Monochromatic Colors

The third color combination theory I want to share is monochromatic color. This theory uses a single color in various tints and shades. Monochromatic color schemes lend themselves well to Zentangle, as you’re about to see.

Sakura Pigma Micron pen, graphite pencil, watercolor paint
As we’ve learned, the basic concept of Zentangle® uses the Sakura Pigma Micron pen and shading with a graphite pencil. As we saw earlier, shading really does bring a Zentangle artwork to life and, with the various grades of pencil available, it is possible to get a full range of fascinating effects and color. Another way to achieve similar results is to use various gray markers and watercolor paint.
In this example, I’ve used a tangle named Pinch that has been shaded with various grades of graphite on the left and varying gray watercolors on the right. Although not wildly different, it does bring a different look to the tangle and is a great example of how you can vary the materials you use to create a particular color scheme.