Creating Shape With Zentangle

Zentangle brings so much to artwork, in particular an ability to use pattern to create imagery and shape. So many amazing things can be created.

I asked my fellow CZTs to see what they could come up with using Zentangle® to create shape. Really, there are examples throughout this book if you look.

The piece Birdy was created by KathyAnne Whittemore, CZT, and it reflects the peaceful, calm personality of this beautiful lady. When she showed it to me, it struck me that KathyAnne had created not only a beautiful shape and creature with Zentangle, but a soulful artwork. It is an incredible way to utilize the skills Zentangle develops in us.

On the opposite page are two pieces from Beckah Krahula, CZT. Beckah has applied her Zentangle knowledge to create cityscapes—what an incredible way to show off a city! The first is a larger-scale work that Beckah created while visiting Houston. The tile-sized piece, Union Square San Francisco, also depicts the scene of a loved space in San Francisco. The heart shape reflects a theme from an exhibition the tile was created for.

What other shapes can be created using tangles? What shapes are found within tangles themselves?

Sakura Pigma Micron pen, watercolor, graphite pencil
by KathyAnne Whittemore, CZT
Sakura Pigma Micron pen, graphite pencil
by Beckah Krahula, CZT
Sakura Pigma Micron pen, graphite pencil
by Beckah Krahula, CZT