Illustrations and Chart

Illustration 1: The Magician Card in a Variety of Tarot Decks

Illustration 2: Queen of Pentacles (Universal Tarot)

Illustration 3: Two Queens

Illustration 4: Four of Wands (Universal Tarot)

Illustration 5: Speed Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 6: Tarot Art Nouveau

Illustration 7: Kabbalistic Symbolism in the Tarot (Classic Tarot)

Illustration 8: Herbal Layout

Illustration 9: Temperance (Classic Tarot)

Illustration 10: Three Cards on the Manuscript

Illustration 11: Sample Pattern Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 12: Two of Cups, Upright and Reversed (Universal Tarot)

Illustration 13: Reversals Plus a Dominant Suit (Classic Tarot)

Illustration 14: Reversals in a Dominant Suit (Classic Tarot)

Illustration 15: Knights in a Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 16: Pattern Exercise

Illustration 17: Three-Card Snapshot: Past-Present-Future Layout

Illustration 18: Renaming Past-Present-Future

Illustration 19: Influences Layout

Illustration 20: Influences Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 21: Celtic Cross Layout

Illustration 22: Two of Pentacles (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 23: First Three Cards in the Celtic Cross

Illustration 24: Yes/No Layout

Illustration 25: Yes/No Reading (Classic Tarot)

Illustration 26: Vitruvian Man

Illustration 27: Vitruvian Man as a Pentagram

Illustration 28: Vitruvian Man Layout

Illustration 29: Vitruvian Man Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 30: Celtic Cross with Three-Card Fan of Past-Present-Future

Illustration 31: Expanded Influences Layout

Illustration 32: Expanded Celtic Cross Layout

Illustration 33: Rendition of The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

Illustration 34: Rendition of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges-Pierre Seurat

Illustration 35: Flow of Movement in the Dancer Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 36: House of Sorrows Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 37: Eight of Cups to the Five of Cups

Illustration 38: A Triangle of Dissatisfaction

Illustration 39: Movement of the Three of Swords

Illustration 40: The Six of Wands, The Sun (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 41: The Full Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 42: Movement in the Infertility Reading

Illustration 43: The Lonely Love Life Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 44: Yes/No: Will My New Job Be Awesome? (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 45: Three-Card Day Spread (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 46: Two-Card Homework (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 47: Three Cuts, from Querent to Reader

Illustration 48: Health Decision Reading (Robin Wood Tarot)

Illustration 49: What I Hide from Myself Spread

Illustration 50: Finding a Lost Object

Illustration 51: Robin Wood Ace of Swords

Illustration 52: Finding a Missing Person (Universal Tarot)

Chart: Distribution of Cards