
APPENDIX ‘Y.’ Original cover plan for OVERLORD written during the autumn of 1943 and subsequently superseded by FORTITUDE.
‘A’ FORCE. Force employed to plan and to execute deceptive operations in the Mediterranean theatre.
ANCXF. Allied Naval Commander Expeditionary Force.
AEAF. Allied Expeditionary Air Force.
AMT VI. Secret Intelligence Branch of the RSHA.
ABWEHR. Security and Intelligence Branch of the German fighting Services.
ABWEHRSTELLE. Abwehr headquarters in German-occupied territory.
AGENT. A spy.
—CONTROLLED. See double-cross agent.
—DOUBLE CROSS. A spy who works for the enemy but deceives his original employer into believing that he still acts in his interest.
—TRIPLE CROSS. A spy who continues to work for his original employer but deceives the enemy into believing that he has betrayed his trust and is working for them.
—UNCONTROLLED. A spy who furnishes his employer with information which he falsely claims to have acquired from genuine enemy sources.
—UNCONSCIOUS. A person who by his indiscretions unwittingly provides the spy with information.
—STRAIGHT. A bona fide spy.
B1A. Sub-section of MI5 operating double-cross agents.
BIG BOB. Dummy landing craft.
COSSAC. Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander designate.
CONTROLLING OFFICER Adviser to the British Chiefs of Staff on Deception in all theatres.
CLH UNITS. Wireless Deception Units representing naval assault forces.
CASE OFFICER. Officer in personal charge of double-cross agent.
DD TANK. ‘Duplex Drive’, or amphibious tank.
EINS HEER. Section of Abwehr responsible for military intelligence.
FREMDE HEERE WEST ‘Foreign Armies West’ section of OKH Intelligence Staff.
G (R). Deception staff at 21 Army Group.
HARD(S). Hard standings to facilitate embarkation of vehicles into landing craft.
KO. Kriegs Organization – Abwehr headquarters in neutral countries.
LCS. London Controlling Section – see Controlling Officer.
LAGEBERICHT WEST. Intelligence Summary produced daily by OKH.
OPS (B). Sub-section – Deception staff at SHAEF.
OKH. Oberkommando des Heeres (Army High Command).
OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces).
PWE. Political Warfare Executive.
PRU. Photographic Reconnaissance Unit.
R FORCE. Force of specialist troops in 21 Army Group employed for Deception.
RSHA. Reichssicherheitshauptamt. Headquarters of German civil security service.
SPECIAL MEANS. The name given to all forms of controlled leakage.
SIME. Security Intelligence Middle East.
SPECIAL PLANS SECTION. Deception Staff at Twelfth Army Group.
SOE. Special Operations Executive. British sabotage organisation.
TWENTY COMMITTEE Committee appointed by British Directors of Intelligence to approve reports by double-cross agents.
WF ST. Wehrmachtführungs stab. Controlling staff of the Wehrmacht.
Y SERVICE. Wireless Intercept.