I am indebted primarily to Mrs. Bozell, senior editor of Regnery Gateway, who served as the editor of this collection, for her industry, her editorial shrewdness, and for her thoughtful conclusion that her older brother is the best thing to happen to literature since Homer. Samuel Vaughan, who has been my editor ever since happiness came to me as an author, superintended the enterprise. And Chaucy Bennetts briefly retired from retirement to track down my solecisms and set me right in one thousand places. Dorothy McCartney has for many years headed up the research library at National Review. I would not give out the date of the Declaration of Independence without first checking with her. I am indebted to Tony Savage for his intelligent typing and collating, to Frances Bronson for her editorial intelligence and for her warm enthusiasm, and to Joe Isola for one more example of his unerring eye as a proofreader. My thanks to Carsten Fries of Random House for his good work as production editor, and to Naomi Osnos, also of Random House, for the attractive design.